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  • AFR ⇦ Sydney ✵ ℛebornWolf's ℳoderator ℛe-Application ✵

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by sircorgi, Feb 7, 2016.

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    1. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Hello everyone, my name is Rocky, but I am known as RebornWolf, Reborn, or Wolfay in Minecraft. I will be reapplying for mod after some time of thinking and motivation by my friends. It's taken me a while to actually reapply because I felt that a lot of people wouldn't support me because of my demotion, etc. But here I am, reapplying not only because my friends had encouraged me to, but also because I hope to be able to be moderator once again, and serve this amazing community like I did when I was a moderator.
      If you have no idea why I was demoted and how everything happened, heres a TRUE story on my demotion-
      I went on KitPvp to check if everything was ok, when I messaged by someone that said someone was using anti-knockback hacks. I tped to this person who was witnessing the person hacking, and saw that accused person was definitely hacking. I started to record - like always - and disabled my /god so I could be able to hit him. I hadn't disabled my /fly though, but had not noticed because of the amount of people there, and I got caught up in the action. I flew over to the hacker, only to be shot by the same person who reported me. I became distracted by the amount of messages from people who needed help and asked to tpa to them, and because of that I had forgotten that I disabled my /god long ago because of all these distractions. I started recording, and started hitting the hacker with a knocback II diamond sword, which was a fault on my part - I should've used a knock back stick, not a sword. I hit the hacker anyway, and he didn't move an inch, so I stopped recording when it said that it said that there was nothing to record, and to try again, which meant my recorder had broke. I continued on with my job as the hacker left, not knowing what I've even done.
      Now that you know what caused my demotion, let's continue to my moderator application.
      But first, a letter to CypriotMerkz, and the rest of the Staff team.

      To the Staff team, and Cypriot/Noobcrew
      I really don't know what to say. I failed you both, and I have broken your trust. You had faith in me, that I was suitable to moderate such a populated server. Yet I screwed up, badly. I made mistakes I shouldn't have done, I broke rules that were created for a reason, and I did things on my own when I should've sought help. I was clouded by hate from others, and was distracted from my own personal life. I should've resigned when I could, but I was worried that I would gain even more hate if I was to resign at such a early time. I eventually got demoted, and I came to realise how foolish I was.
      I hope that we can mend the tears in our trust, but I understand that you will probably never be able to trust me as much as you did when I was a moderator. I know now that people can forgive one another, but we cannot forget what happened. I ask for your forgiveness, and that I can be able to moderate this server once again.


      Well, here I go. It did take me a while to write a whole new application, so I hope you like it.

      How old are you? I am 12 years old
      Your in-game name: rebornn_, formerly RebornWolf
      What timezone are you in? UTC+10:00 (Coordinated Universal Time) or AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
      What country do you live in? Australia
      What languages do you speak? Fluent English
      Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes I do, just recently after hearing the news about kinsey.
      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Yes, I use a pre-installed software on my Windows 10 laptop and take screenshots using Minecraft (FN+f2).
      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      I feel as I am ready to be re-promoted because of the following traits I have:

      When it comes to serious jobs/roles, I can be the guy that can take up that job and do it properly. I am very responsible and I never take things for granted and abuse the powers that particular job is, which is moderator in this case. I never show off or brag about my role and/or use it wrongly. I know what the role of moderator is about, and I know how to be a responsible one.

      Now, you may just judge my maturity from my age, but really, a lot of people find that I’m very mature for my age. I guess this just came from my household, where everyone around me acts so immature and I have to face it every day, if you know what I mean. I also have to face immature people older than my age here, and I wish for this to stop. People like me have to face immature and rude people on this server and I would like to put a full stop to this.

      As I have moderated 2 servers, including this, I have a lot of experience when it comes to moderating, how everything works, and how to be a good one. I do not need much mentoring/teaching as I have a lot of knowledge on the commands and the punishment system. This means it won’t be often that I will be needing help and therefore, can be an independent moderator.

      I have a lot of knowledge on this server as I’ve been here for almost 2 years. Because of this, if a newbie needs help on the commands or what to do on a gamemode, they can always seek me for help. I never lose my temper when somebody doesn’t understand what I mean when I’m trying to help them, and I am very patient. Whenever you need help on the server, I’m the guy to talk to.

      I am a very kind and friendly person to talk to as I am understanding and social, so I know how to act towards people and what they have to say. I think before I act/talk and I never conflict my stress/anger on others, and try my hardest to stop it from affecting my job. I am approachable and I am that type of person who you can always talk to whenever you need someone to talk to and get support from.

      I never let get my friendships/relationships affect my job, and I never go easy on someone I know deeply. I know it sounds harsh, but it’s good as I am equal towards everyone. If I had to ban 2 people, 1 someone I don’t take a liking to, and the other who is my good friend, I would give them the ban that they deserve, and NOT go easy on the friend and harsh on the person I don’t like. That doesn’t mean I ditch all my friends, I can still chat and have fun with them still. :)

      I have worked on my honesty a lot and now days, I always tell the truth and I never lie about anything. I might lie once in a while, but we’re all human, we do that sometimes. But whenever it comes to moderating, I always tell the truth, even if the truth is something against me. I know that if I lie, people will soon realize the truth and I will be punished even more than telling the truth.

      Throughout the 2.5 years on Mineverse, I've made a lot of friends that I am grateful for, as they have always been by my side, helping me correct my wrong-doings and point out that I'm never alone. Making friends with people has improved my social skills, therefore it is easier for me to talk to people without making a complete fool of myself. This is quite an important trait for a moderator as there are going to be people who need help, and they will need to respond in a way that people can approve of, and there will also be those haters, and having this trait will help in that situation as well.

      As the majority of the Mineverse moderators live in the US, or in timezones close to that of America, I hardly ever do see staff online. I do not wish to promote hate when I say this, I am just stating facts, from /staff. Due to this, people around my timezone have an opportunity to hack and get away with it, as not many people do ever report, so they only just hackusate, and do nothing about it. I believe that more Australian moderators should be promoted, as MV is a global server, for all to go on and enjoy. But us Aussies cannot enjoy this hacker controlled environment, because there is a few to no moderators online. I feel that I would help these people out, and make MV a place for both sides of the world to enjoy.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be active for 1-4 hours on Saturday and Sunday, and 1-3 hours on weekdays
      How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing since June/August, 2014
      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Yes, I was banned on the forums, twice if you count being banned for 2-3 hours and then just given a verbal warning after. That was for mentioning a forums name/link.
      The second time was for releasing private information. No, I didn't DOX anybody. I had just given away someones city of residence, like New York, or London, for example. I was meant to be banned for a month, but I appealed and it got accepted 2-3 days after my ban.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes, I had once moderated a cracked server (Monster Gaming) that closed unfortunately. I also moderated this very server not long ago, but got demoted 1 month after the promotion, due to multiple mistakes, the major one being flying whilst in combat. (Story on top of application)
      Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes I do.
      This proves that I have my 2FA set up and enabled, and that I have a post count a lot higher than 50 and I have been on the forums for more than 2 weeks, let alone a whole year.

      Thank you all for reading my application, reasons on why you do not support or have gone neutral are very much appreciated and I will try to work on those.

      NOTE: Please do not judge me and/or my application for these reasons-

      My Past The past is the past, and I've changed from it. I know what it takes to be a mod, and I am different from before, I can assure you that.
      My Age I've stated this in my application- A lot more people older than me are more irresponsible/disrespectful/immature than I am. It doesn't matter on someone's age, only their behaviour. Besides, I've been a moderator before, I know what it's about.
      My Application Information The reason I have less information in my application than my last one is not only because I didn't want to appear as a "try hard" like my last application, but because this is a re-application, I feel that I do not need to repeat myself and write information I already have before. If you wish to see my old application, click HERE for the app.


      Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
    2. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      You don't even know how much I support you!
    3. Electric_

      Electric_ Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2014
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      I support.
    4. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Thanks! <3
      Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
    5. Levis

      Levis Boss Member

      Sep 13, 2014
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      Hello Reborn!

      This application looks very great and I hope alot of people would say this too,
    6. Levis

      Levis Boss Member

      Sep 13, 2014
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    7. Wolf

      Wolf Well-Known Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      I Support
    8. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Thanks guys, I appreciate it! <3 Wow in less than a minute someone replies
    9. Coastic

      Coastic Well-Known Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      I don't think you should be applying because your friends want you to, I think you should be applying because you want to.

      Full support from me, it'd be nice to have you back as moderator. :what:
    10. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Oh yeah, forgot to put that in because the intro was a last minute thing and tomorrow I will never get the time to finish it.
      Thanks though :)
      Thanks <3
    11. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      Hey, Reborn.
      I think it's great that you're giving mod another shot, it was great to work with you even though it was for a short time.
      After what happened to you it leaves me thinking if you are actually read to moderate, like how do we know this won't happen? How do we know you've matured and won't take this for granted? Is he just reappling because his friends want him too? These things run through my mind while reading this application, You have to want this. I know we are great friends and ily to bits but I just need some time to think about supporting. Sorry.

      Neutral, good luck Reborn. :)
    12. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Putting aside we're friends, neutral.
      I always knew I would support you. I understand the reason you were demoted was an incident. You're kind and a great person but I think you would know better on how to make your application and how it should be like. You've also been a tad immature.
      Apart from the above I hope I can change this, I just gotta see you a bit more.
    13. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Nah, it's cool. I feel I am ready once again because during my time of when I left forums, I reflected on the things you questioned. I think that because of this, I know what's expected and that once you mess up, theres no second chances. I think I'm ready for this, you know? Thanks for your opinion <3
      Thank you for your opinion, though can you state on what my application should be like?
      I am trying very hard to be more active. I just need to be more organized (Just started Highschool), that's all :) Thanks!
    14. BlackZone

      BlackZone Boss Member

      Aug 23, 2014
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      You have had numerous chances and
      Reborn work on your activity
      I support, you may have been a mod for a couple weeks but you still have had experience.
    15. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Just more detail, not much else.
    16. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Please read the Note I added below, sorry that I added it only recently :/
    17. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Support, I don't believe mistakes are demote worthy.
    18. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      They are if those mistakes aren't good and break the rules of being a moderator. Thanks though, I appreciate it very much :)
    19. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      I knew that this would be coming soon, glad you're re-applying.
      70% Support, I'm not completely sure if you've learned from your mistakes.
    20. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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    21. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      I have learned from my mistakes, and besides, the mistake I did that day cannot be done ever again as Cyp added this plugin where it stops from you flying when you are in combat. (The other thing (The sword) can still be done though.)
      Thanks :)
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