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  • Help Section [UPDATED]

    Discussion in 'Help' started by onesquad, Sep 8, 2015.

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    1. onesquad

      onesquad i am your dad Premium

      Oct 23, 2013
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      When entering the help section we try and help you and fix your problems, but you can do a few things before we can help you an extra bit.

      Donation Issues
      "Help I have not received my rank" — "Received my rank but do not have it on a few servers!"
      We cannot help you put the support email can! Contact them @ [email protected] with a simple format to make things easier.

      In-game name -
      Paypal/Creditcard email -
      What rank did you purchase? -

      Ban Issues
      "My ban appeal was accepted but I am not unbanned!
      When you have been unbanned from the server from your ban appeal you should be unbanned. But sometimes there is a glitch in the system does not let you do that. We can help you by the following steps;
      Create a thread in the help section tagging the mod that you have been banned by and your in-game
      name. Formatted with a layout to make things easier.

      In-game name -
      Who were you banned by? @(moderator) -
      When were you unbanned?

      Link to your ban appeal -
      What server where you banned on? -

      "Something is wrong in-game and I can't fix it!"
      There is many reasons why your mineverse in-game profile may be glitched and it has some errors. We can help you from Skyblock command glitches and death/item glitches. You can simply contact [email protected] or create a thread with your issue and leave the community to help you. You can tag @ TannerLittle so he can help you! To make things easier use the format;

      In-game name -
      What server is this issue on? -
      What is the problem? -

      Have you lost your permissions of doing /warps or /home or some other command?
      We can help you by you posting a thread with a simple format of;

      In-game name -
      Permissions lost -
      What server is this issue on? -

      Changing your username
      Want to change your forum username? Here are the steps how too;

      Hover over your name near the "Inbox" and "Alerts" button,
      Then click "Personal Details",
      Then go down to advanced settings and click "Username Change"
      And then type the following of your password and new username.


      Other useful threads
      Creative Trap Escape
      KitPvP Commands
      The Rank of Moderator

      Other help
      If you need any other help feel free to drop me a PM.

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