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  • Inactive Jichdt's Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Jichdt, Jan 19, 2020.

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    1. Skrown

      Skrown Well-Known Member

      Jan 7, 2015
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      So you’re lying about ip logging? And lying about you not understanding what it is? I find this funny lol, players do anything to get a position on the staff team. It also seems that you have deleted the messages of you talking about ip logging in our discord chat, but I managed to take this photo I applied on this message. You were doing illegal trading which you also didn’t mention in your moderator application. “I sell in game stuff for PayPal” who knows how long you’ve been doing this for. I was able to find another small screenshot, before you deleted your messages of you talking about ip logging someone that was scamming. I said “prob won’t click it”, you even said yourself “he won’t” “we already tried” And before you say this screenshots were edited they were not, these were taken off my phone. Loopy#26** right? Edit: The first one is you saying you do in game items for irl money, Second one you trying to ip log a mineverse player(before you deleted messages), 3rd one is showing your discord just to prove it’s actually you. No Support

      Attached Files:

    2. ShortyMcShorty

      ShortyMcShorty Active Member

      Sep 20, 2019
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      It’s kinda sad how you can lie to so many people just so you could get mod! Honestly if you really wanted mods you wouldn’t be ip logging people in the first place if you don’t mind we could get in contact with discord because your just lying and you shouldn’t care! You even tried ip logging my alt discord account, then deleted the message so you wouldn’t get reported!!
    3. Capitaine_Morgan

      Capitaine_Morgan Active Member

      Jul 1, 2019
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      My earlier support was an obvious joke for those who dont realise, this dude logged my ip and ddosed me for absolutely no reason. He does this to many people (read previous comments on this thread). He also got my discord account locked falsely (I dont really care but just shows how scummy he is). Other than that he is one of those people who goes on alts to cheat fly around ext. (I have been in calls with him when he does it) on top of that he has a fastalts account which he uses to give Aspertaine, GodOfGameNo1 and ShortyMcShorty (before they turned on him after he started ddosing them) alts to cheat on. Besides all this he also closet cheated on his main account Jichdt (autoclicker which he admitted on discord vc) and reach untill the literal day he applied. What he also does is abuse buycraft exploits to get infinite keys and ingame money. Finally on top of all this he tells people in vc how he likes to pretend to be nice to staff members for supports on his application and to prevent him from being banned or such. He's a very fake person I don't think any person would ever want him as moderator on their server

      Edit: I've sent proof of some of these claims to Sando and i_am_youtuber
      Last edited: Jan 27, 2020
    4. Pitato

      Pitato Active Member

      Jan 13, 2020
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      Changing from support to neutral due to this reply above.
    5. Jichdt

      Jichdt Active Member

      Nov 2, 2019
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      Might I start by saying that these screenshots are undeniably me. In the first screenshot I said "nah i sell in game stuff for paypal", about a month ago, I tried to do the illegal act of selling my money, though, I quickly found out it was stupid and no one would want to do this so I stopped asking people. I never actually sold anything I just tried to do it. I understand that this is against the rules and that is why shortly thereafter, I stopped doing this type of stuff. To give context on the second screenshot, Skrown had just gotten scammed on op and me and a couple of people were trying to help him get his money back. During this process, one of my friends who I will not name did indeed try to IP log the scammer which I do not agree with, and I certainly did not do. When I said, "we tried", the "we" was said towards a group of people and not just me. I used the word "we" to describe the group of my friends trying to help Skrown get back his money. This being said, as I stated before the act of IP Logging goes against my morals and I did not do it but as the friend of the person that did it, I can admit I did not try to stop him from committing the act which was wrong of me. Hopefully, after this, you can see these screenshots from my point of view.

      As I told you 4 times already, I do not IP log, you can go ahead and contact discord all you would like. Also as mentioned before, I have never IP logged you so please stop accusing me of that.

      First off, I did not log your IP and I certainly did not ddos you. I have tried to explain myself in many different responses above, I myself have never and do not know how to log an IP and/or do a ddos. Anything that I have said about you in private dms was either told to me by you, or by other people who know you. Secondly, your statement saying, "He also got my discord account locked falsely", is a complete lie. You fake became friends with me for a span of about 2 weeks and started a dox on me. One day out of no where you sent me a "meme" that said, "When the kid that you talked trash to tells you your full name, address, and IP" and then proceeded to send me all my information which included my name, my ip, my county, province, and address. Like any concerned person, I reported this to discord and that is how your account got locked. Next, I have stated earlier and I will restate this, I do not hack, on alts nor on my main account. I do not actually pvp much so when I do pvp and my skill level magically increases, I like to joke that I am hacking when in reality, I am actually playing with a mouse as opposed to my trackpad. Regarding your accusation about me owning my own personal fastalts account which I use to provide my friends alts to hack on, this is also a straight-up lie. Aspertaine owns a friend group we like to call "The Gang". This you can also confirm this with anyone in the discord, the fastalts account is Aspertaine's account, registered under Aspertaine's name which he kindly gives access to some of the more trusted people. Next, regarding your completely absurd accusation that I have infinite keys and infinite ingame money, this is once again a complete lie. When Morgan first approached me on discord after being very toxic to me in-game, I decided to mess with him a little in discord dms. I made tons of extremely farfetched statements such as I was the guy that griefed the server, I had been coding for 8 years, etc. In reality, most of the stuff I told him was a complete lie and my friends were even telling me funny stuff to tell him. If any proof is needed on any of the things I have said so far, I will gladly provide it. Last, his claim that I, "pretend to be nice to staff members for supports on his application and to prevent him from being banned" is once again, a lie. I have been in a voice chat with Morgan twice or three times before and not once has anything to do with me applying for moderator come up. I have a lot of friends on Mineverse and they can tell you how much of a genuine person I am. Anyways, I respect your decision to not support my mod application.

      I respect your decision and I hope that once you understand my point of view on these situations, your opinion might change!
    6. Siblinqs

      Siblinqs Active Member

      Nov 25, 2015
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      Jichdt I am not that active but when I am on I don't see you. But you do Ip Log and Hack on alts and if a admin like Janice would look into your alts ingame more than 99% sure your alts are banned.

      No Support, but you tried
    7. Jichdt

      Jichdt Active Member

      Nov 2, 2019
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      Thank you for this feedback but I am wondering, if you never see me online, and we have never met or talked before, how can you Claim that I, “do Ip Log and Hack on alts...”. I do not believe I have ever met you so can you please share how you would know this stuff?
    8. Jichdt

      Jichdt Active Member

      Nov 2, 2019
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      Actually, the only evidence that I have seen, is the messages that Skrown provided which I explained both situations in depth from my point of view. Everything else that has been shared has been mere accusations with nothing to back it up.
    9. Capitaine_Morgan

      Capitaine_Morgan Active Member

      Jul 1, 2019
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      The fact that multiple groups of people who don't like each other are grouping up against you on this thread because you ddosed them all just shows we're not lying, I don't like GodOfGamesNO1 or ShortyMcShorty or Everam or any other person who claims they got ddosed, iplogged and doxed by you except for skrown. You are a very manipulative person and I can see you thought throughly about your response to my comment. As it turns out you admitted to getting my discord locked over a meme. I did indeed send you a meme about someone getting doxed and I continued with "i know where you live "Jichdt Smith" or something like that, a clearly made up name. I then told you you lived at something along the lines of Gaystreet 69 in Canada. Discord have very strict rules on this so my appeal has gotten denied but they obviously know I am joking and so did you when you reported me. I was being relatively nice to you and you did this behind my back. Now because of this I cannot post screenshots of our chats or of the moment you ddosed me since I can't access our chat anymore. But before you got my discord locked I unfortunately for you had already sent screenshots of you iplogging, ddosing and other "illegal" stuff to i_am_youtuber and Sando3. On oppvp you have 9stacks (atleast) of Legendary keys according to multiple titan's who've /invsee'd you at different times. Let me just say that 1 legendary key = 4$. 9*64*4= 2304$ worth of legendary keys and that's only in your inventory. I have already sent proof of you admitting to having an exploit for the buycraft/ knowing someone who can exploit the buycraft to Sando. You're a pathological liar just like RentPvP you hide behind a mask and screen to make you feel better about yourself. I could dm Sando and i_am_youtuber for the screenshots and post them on here but I don't think they would want to get involved.
    10. ObviouslyEthan

      ObviouslyEthan Established Member

      Jan 28, 2020
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      Well obviously support!

      but watch out not only do you have 2 little kids on you. You got the toxic gang on you now
    11. Jichdt

      Jichdt Active Member

      Nov 2, 2019
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      Let me just start on the topic of you accusing me of getting your discord locked over a meme. In my statement, I said, "One day out of no where you sent me a "meme" that said, "When the kid that you talked trash to tells you your full name, address, and IP" and then proceeded to send me all my information which included my name, my ip, my county, province, and address." This implies that there were two completely separate messages. What you sent me was not, ""Jichdt Smith" or something like that, a clearly made up name. I then told you you lived at something along the lines of Gaystreet 69 in Canada." but it was all of my information such as my real name and last name, my real address, my real province, my real postal code, and my real country. Discord would not have locked your account unless the information at least seemed serious, which in this case, it was. Next, I don't really know where this rumor of me having 9 stacks of legendary keys came from because currently, I do not own a single legendary key. A lot of people have been asking me and I always reply "..." and nothing else. Your claim that "multiple titan's who've /invsee'd you at different times", is a complete lie because I have never owned more than a 45 legendary keys and that was months ago when I did mineverse buycraft upgrades for keys. I told you before and I will tell you again, all of the things I said in our private dms about buycraft was a joke so I could keep in the character of the old mineverse griefer who left a buycraft gift code in the description of his youtube video. I never even said I did that and I am willing to show screenshot proof of that. Regarding your topic of IP Grabbing and ddosing, I have already stated that I do not do this stuff and as a matter of fact, I can go through our dms right now and find about five instances where you have sent me IP Loggers. Lastly, the fact that you are accusing Rent, one of the most highly respected players on mineverse, of being a pathological liar is in my opinion disgusting. RentPvP is one of the most trustworthy and genuine people you will ever meet on Mineverse. You are accusing me of some serious things with absolutely no real proof that I am aware of so please, next time you decide to accuse someone of something, get proof. Just because you do not like someone, it does not make it alright to lie about them, just to make them look bad. Almost every single piece of feedback that you have left on my application has been either a complete lie or a bent truth to make me look worse. This makes you the pathological liar. You are entitled to your own opinion as to whether you like me or not and you are certainly entitled to your own opinion regarding whether to support or not support my application, but lying in order to make me look bad is extremely rude and unprofessional.

      Thank you so much!
    12. Pitato

      Pitato Active Member

      Jan 13, 2020
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      you wrote way to much for me to read
      support again lol
    13. Capitaine_Morgan

      Capitaine_Morgan Active Member

      Jul 1, 2019
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      You're such a pathetic liar if I had your info I'd use it against you right now but I don't

      I hope you're not believing him
    14. Jichdt

      Jichdt Active Member

      Nov 2, 2019
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      Haha thank you once again!

      Please do not threaten me on my own moderator application.

      Morgan, as I mentioned, "You are entitled to your own opinion as to whether you like me or not and you are certainly entitled to your own opinion regarding whether to support or not support my application". You are accusing me of ddos/ip logging when in reality you are the only one making these threats. I kindly ask you to please not threaten me again in the future.
    15. Lamborghini

      Lamborghini Active Member

      Mar 31, 2019
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      lmao imagine being this naive.

      wrote a phucking essay oh wiat lemme change opinions lool

      as far as this mod app goes tho, unless someone provides evidence in regards of him ip logging i still remain nootral.
    16. Skrown

      Skrown Well-Known Member

      Jan 7, 2015
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      I posted a ss of him saying he and his “friends” tried ip logging a player on mineverse. But he says he had nothing to do with it even though he was there, I know for a fact Jichdt provided the ip logged to ip log that player. Therefore I hope I’m not the only one who wouldn’t trust a Moderator that has been associated or done ip loggers
    17. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      A large portion of being a moderator is your interactions with the community, and it seems that a large part of the community doesn’t like you.

      -May not have ip-logged, but associates with ip-loggers and doxers.
      -Tried illegal trading.
      ^Seeing you called it a “hustle”, I doubt that you
      only attempted to sell things and that “no one
      would want to do this.”
      ^ Shows your lack of knowledge of the rules so I
      don’t trust you anyways.

      big no-no’s.
      Whatever I was at before, changing to no support.
    18. Jichdt

      Jichdt Active Member

      Nov 2, 2019
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      Thank you for this feeback and I hope I can eventually change your mind!

      As I mentioned, I did not IP Log anyone and I know I was wrong for "associating" with IP loggers. I have since moved away from almost all of those people. I have been changing a lot lately regarding the people I hang out with and associate with, so hopefully, that has a positive influence on how people will view me now and in the future. I admit my mistakes and they have helped me learn a lot and have changed me as a person.


      Thank you very much for this feedback. First, let me say that these are only a few people and certainly not the entire community. I am a very friendly face on the server and a lot of people can back me on this. I fully understand my mistake of being friends with ip-loggers and as I just mentioned, I have been fading away from most of those people and hanging out with new people who do not have any association with this malicious activity. As well, I admitted to my mistake of attempting to illegally trade and this was also a while ago. When I said "hustle" I was saying that no one wanted to buy anything. I offered illegal trades probably 3-4 times and no one was interested so I just gave up knowing it was wrong and that I should not pursue it. Since then I have changed a lot, I have started working on my toxicity, I have been following all the rules, and I have been making reports on people who are not following the rules. I respect your decision of not supporting me and I hope that I can eventually prove myself to you.
    19. Capitaine_Morgan

      Capitaine_Morgan Active Member

      Jul 1, 2019
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      You were literally iplogging someone yesterday why are you saying you moved on, you don't even associate you're the main person of the group who tries to ddos and iplog and dox.
    20. Siblinqs

      Siblinqs Active Member

      Nov 25, 2015
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      The reason why I say you do is based off the community also I was friends with godoffame and it was about 2 months ago when you shared your screen and got a kids ip you were telling him to give you stuff or else. we were in a separate channel. need more information ask godoffame for evidence i was not rec at that time. Otherwise I would've supported but that shows immaturity and toxicity
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