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    Discussion in 'Help' started by Real Dan, Oct 22, 2020.

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    1. Real Dan

      Real Dan Established Member

      Oct 22, 2020
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      Hello Mineverse! I'm making this post because it's recently come to my attention (thanks in no small part to billy billy's video link here ) that someone other than myself was using my Minecraft account. My Minecraft account would be Daninator08, and I understand it has been banned on your server two days ago as of this post.
      At this point you might suspect this is some feeble attempt to get my account unbanned. Actually, I'm pretty indifferent, you can keep it banned if you'd like, as until learning of this misuse I've never actually played on your server or interacted with your community in any way. I just felt compelled to make this post because I found it kind of unsettling that someone was not only using my account, but also doing and saying some seriously nasty stuff.

      I've since been through the whole security update, changed passwords, revised emails, so that hopefully whoever had logged in under my name will no longer be able to. And although I have no idea the extent to which this other person behaved on your and other servers, I feel compelled to apologize that my account caused trouble on your server. I am grateful for billy billy's Youtube video, as without it I probably would have remained ignorant. To close, I'd like to thank you to the users who banned my account so it wouldn't be a vessel for further abuse in your community, and I'd like to humbly suggest an additional IP ban, if it happens to be possible.

      Thank you very much for reading, and if you by chance know Daninator08 as a troublemaker on any other servers, I kindly ask that you email me at
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      so that I can offer those severs a similar explanation and perhaps find out who took my name.

      Happy Halloween!
      -The Real Dan

      P.S If the person who took my name happens to read this, I'd like to ask that they please end such misuse of other people's accounts.
    2. Sando3

      Sando3 Tom Holland Premium

      Sep 21, 2015
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      Create a ban appeal if you want to appeal the ban:

      As you said yourself, your account and its security is your responsibility. Since a violation was made with your account, we can't just remove it. There is no way for us to verify whether it was you cheating or not. You can still appeal, but the ban won't be removed. There's a chance it could be reduced, but we never remove valid bans.
    3. CodBucket

      CodBucket Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Premium

      Mar 13, 2015
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      Seeing that Sando has responded to this thread and no further responses have been written, I see no need for this to be open anymore.

      Locking and moving to Archives.
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