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  • A crazy night gone wrong..(STORY)

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Greg, Feb 14, 2019.


    there's a wrong answer

    Poll closed Sep 15, 2019.
    1. America

    2. Canada

    3. hell

    Multiple votes are allowed.
    1. Greg

      Greg Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2016
      Likes Received:
      1. Real name: Gregory
      2. Nickname: Greg, Gregorio, Georgie and uhh Fruity pebbles lmaoo
      3. Favorite colour: navy Blue, fire cracker red, dark green
      4. Gender: male
      5. Race: caucasian
      6. Age: 19
      7. Sexuality: very straight unless u ask Bananurz
      8. Introvert or Extrovert: depends on the mood
      9. Hair colour: dirty blonde
      10. Tall or short: average
      11. Sweats or jeans: jeans
      12. Phone or camera: phone
      13. Health freak: no
      14. Orange or apple: neither
      15. Do you have a crush on someone: no
      16. Guy friends or girl friends: guy friends
      17. Piercings: 1
      18. Pepsi or coke: hate soda
      19. Have you been in an airplane: no
      20. Have you been in a relationship: yes and it was a waste of my money
      21. Have you been in a car accident: yes
      22. Have you been in a fist fight: yes
      23. First piercing: lemme pull down my pants hol up
      24. Best Friend: irl friend
      25. First award: ??
      26. First crush: someone i grew up with
      27. First word: idk
      28. Any talent: triggering y'all
      29. Last person you talked to: brother
      30. Last person you texted: brother
      31. Last person you watched a movie with: uhh idk tbh
      32. Last thing you ate: noodles of some sort
      33. Last movie/ TV show you watched: sicario
      34. Last song you listened to: Stockholm by Judah & the lion
      35. Last thing you bought: hockey stick
      36. Last person you hugged: brother

      37. Food: idk
      38. Drink: water w cucumber or unsweetened tea
      39. Fruit: idk lots
      40. Flower: flowers that are blue
      41. Animal: mhm
      42. Colour: refer to question 3
      43. Movie: too many to name
      44. Subject: you (;
      45. Sport: just about every sport
      46. Sports Team: chicago cubs, bulls, blackhawks, bears, FC Barcelona
      47. Book: the rise and fall of communism
      48. City: chicago
      49. Country: America for sure
      50. Song: songs

      •Have you ever? (Answer Yes or No)
      45. Fallen in love with someone: i mean idk tbh
      46. Celebrated Halloween: yes
      47. Had your heart broken: no
      48. Went over the minutes/ texts on your phone: no
      49. Had someone like you: yes
      50. Hated the way someone changed: yes
      51. Got in trouble with police: yes
      52. Had a party: yes
      53. Did something you regret: yesh
      54. Broken a promise: yes
      55. Hidden a secret: yes
      56. Pretend to be happy: yes
      57. Met someone who has changed your life: yes
      58. Pretended to be sick: yes
      59. Left the country: no 60. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it: yes
      61. Cried over the silliest thing: yes
      62. Ran a mile: yes
      63. Gone to the beach with your best friend: cringe no
      64. Gotten into an argument with your friends: yes
      65. Disliked someone: yes
      66. Stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever: no

      67. Eating: nothing
      68. Drinking: nothing
      69. Listening to: nothing rn
      70. (Srry accidentally deleted this question)
      71. Plans for today: it's almost bedtime
      72. Waiting for: idk
      73. Want kids: maybe
      74. Want to get married: maybe
      75. Want to travel: yes

      •What do you look for in a partner?
      76. Lips or eyes: eyes
      77. Shorter or taller: idc
      78. Younger or older: idc
      79. Romantic or spontaneous: lil bit of both
      80. Trouble-maker or hesitant: idc
      81. Hook up or relationship: relationship
      82. Looks or personality: everyone answering this with personality but that's a lie we all know y'all care for looks too. both but yeah, more so personality

      •Have you ever:
      83. Lost glasses: yes
      84. Snuck out of the house: yes
      85. Held a gun/ knife in self defence: yes
      86. Killed somebody: not completely there yet
      87. Broke someone's heart: yes
      88. Been in love: at my age i didn't even know what love was
      89. Cried when someone dies: no

      •Do you believe in:
      90. Yourself: no
      91. Miracles: yes
      92. Love at first sight: maybe
      93. Heaven: yes
      94. Santa Claus: for sure (;
      95. Aliens: yes
      96. Ghosts/ angels: yes

      97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now: not really
      98. Do you know who your real friends are: yes
      99. Do you believe in God: have my doubts
      100. Do you easily make friends: LMAO this question needs a whole paragraph

      Ps y'all mofos got click baited get rekt ;3
      (make me feel relevant i just got my tax return so i have hella money and i will PayPal u)

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