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  • Elliot’s 100 Questions

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Chipemunk, Jul 12, 2019.

    1. Chipemunk

      Chipemunk twink

      May 23, 2016
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      Real name: Elliot
      Nickname: can’t really shorten Elliot, but here it’s chipe or chip
      Favorite color: blue or red
      Gender: Male
      Race: White British
      Age: 15
      Sexuality: Bi
      Introvert or Extrovert: Depends
      Hair color: Brown
      Tall or short: idk tall?
      Sweats or jeans: Jeans all the way
      Phone or camera: Phone gotta get the gram or snap
      Health freak: kindaaa
      Orange or apple: Apple, but orange juice
      Do you have a crush on someone: Maybe ; )
      Guy friends or girl friends: Mostly girl
      Piercings: none
      Pepsi or coke: Coke ewww why would anyone prefer Pepsi
      Have you been in an airplane and how many times: like 12 times maybe
      Have you been in a relationship: No not really
      Have you been in a car accident: Kind of, a car hit the back of our car but it wasn’t anything serious
      Have you been in a fist fight: No
      First piercing: I don’t have any so
      Best Friend: irl - I have a best friends named, Noah, Millie and T’yana
      Here - @GbDuck & @Pastel & @Sando3 probably would have said differently last time I was here but a lot has changed
      Last person you talked to: Probably my mum
      Last person you texted:

      Quite sad how that was Wednesday and today is Friday
      Last person you watched a movie with: probably endgame with my friend, you guessed Noah
      Last thing you ate: skips
      Last movie/ TV show you watched: uhhh I honestly can’t remember
      Last song you listened to: Hard times paramore
      Last thing you bought: I actually can’t remember I think it was probably a Krispy kreme doughnut, chocolate dream cake
      Last person you hugged: idk I don’t really hug but it was probably my mum

      Have you ever?
      Fallen in love with someone: yes, but not mutually
      Celebrated Halloween: yes
      Had your heart broken: yes
      Went over the minutes/ texts on your phone: Unlimited ;)
      Had someone like you: Not that I know of it actually gets me down sometimes :^)
      Hated the way someone changed: Yes definitely
      Got in trouble with police: No
      Had a party: Not like a proper party I’m having one for my 16th
      Did something you regret: a lot of times
      Broken a promise: Yeah, who hasn’t
      Hidden a secret: Yes
      Pretend to be happy: um idk I think so
      Met someone who has changed your life: Yeah
      Pretended to be sick: No I haven’t I should really
      Left the country: Yes
      Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it: Yes
      Cried over the silliest thing: ALL THE TIME
      Ran a mile: I think so
      Gone to the beach with your best friend: No
      Gotten into an argument with your friends: I think everyone has
      Disliked someone: Yeah it’s only human nature
      Stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever: Yes

      Eating: Chocolate
      Drinking: Capri sun
      Listening to: Halsey badlands
      Sitting or laying: Sitting
      Plans for today: It’s the end of the day so I’m probably gonna sleep
      Waiting for: Alton Towers next week I’m so excited
      Want kids: I don’t know
      Want to get married: Yeah
      Want to travel: Yes definitely

      What do you look for in a partner?
      Lips or eyes: Eyes
      Shorter or taller: I don’t mind in a guy but a girl smaller
      Younger or older: Older
      Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
      Trouble-maker or hesitant: Hesitant, I find it cute
      Hook up or relationship: Relationship
      Looks or personality: I think I like looks but I honestly don’t mind

      Have you ever:
      Lost glasses: Yes and had them turn up months later
      Snuck out of the house: No, where could I go to lmao
      Held a gun/ knife in self defense: No
      Killed somebody: Ofc not
      Broke someone's heart: Nope
      Been in love: Yes but not mutually, I really want a relationship
      Cried when someone dies: No I haven’t really had anyone die(touch wood) but I cried at my cat dying

      Do you believe in:
      Yourself: not really
      Miracles: meh
      Love at first sight: No
      Heaven: Honestly not sure
      Santa Claus: No but I like to like participate
      Aliens: Noo
      Ghosts/ angels: Not really sure on this either

      Is there one person you really want to be with right now: Yeah
      Do you know who your real friends are: Not really
      Do you believe in God: I’m honestly not sure
      Do you easily make friends: Yeah

      Yeeeeeeeeet am I cool yet also pls don’t dox me or steal my identity you probs won’t want it anyway
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