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  • NA HolaSoyHarms Application <3

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by fireplaces, Feb 23, 2017.

    1. fireplaces

      fireplaces Experienced Member

      Sep 22, 2016
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      Hello, I am HolaSoyHarm. I am here to show you my background history and what I have done on mineverse and some of my time on the server. So, I started this server back in November of 2013. I was just going along looking for servers and then, I came across this one and pondered around with the gamemodes and then I thought this would be a great server to play on and then this was really fun. I bought my first rank as sponsor, then I got MVP, elite, and then eventually i got god. I have been playing ever since I joined that day. I made a lot of friends when I started out some were mods some weren't. I miss all my old friends from like 2014-2015 most of them all quit still got some around. I have gotten some of my friends to play mineverse actually and they have loved it. They sometimes play creative, and OPPvP. Well, let's get started with my moderator application. Application can be found below.

      Your in-game name:


      What timezone are you in?

      EST (Eastern Standard Time)

      What country do you live in?

      I currently live in the USA.

      What languages do you speak?

      I speak english, and spanish. *Note* I am not yet fluent with spanish.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)

      Yes, I have bandicam, f2, and gyazo and other softwares that can be recommended by others for me to use.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      Well, to start off, I have seen a lot of moderators in the past come and go and I pondered the idea of actually applying to be staff myself one day. I decided to watch the staff take in some experience for what it's like as the job of being a moderator so that I can prepare myself for what one day I will be applying for mod and have the chance of being on the team. I also think I should be a moderator because of my personality and the traits that I have as a human being.

      Yes, I understand in the past I have not been mature around the other players and to the staff of the server and I am here to apologize for my actions and to show that I have matured. I apologize for all the trouble I have caused in the past I was very immature and I have realized that you get nothing out of being immature, all you get is hate so that is why I decided to step it up and become mature so that people realize I don't want to be hated anymore. I am deeply sorry for trouble I have caused in the past. I have come to realized all my actions in the past got me no where and that it only made people hate me more than they already did so I have come to the conclusion to just straighten my act up. I would like to thank the players for helping me be more mature by not being rude to me anymore :D.

      I have a lot of experience as moderator. I have been staff on other previous faction servers, kitpvp servers, and all sorts of servers. I know the basic commands like /kick, /warn, /ban, /mute, etc... I am well fit for my job as a moderator when I get moderator I do not fool around and I take my job seriously when the time has come for it to be serious. I know from experience don't fool around as staff because I have seen others do it and it ended badly for them. I have also gotten experience from our own staff here from mineverse watching some get demoted, some come and go gaining more and more every time I saw them.

      Well, people always say that staff are "bias" towards other players when there friends (the moderators) gets in a situation the moderator sometimes (rarely) takes bias and doesn't punish the player correctly. I will not do that as my job as a staff. I will treat all players equally no matter who they are and I will make sure that every player gets the right amount of time for a mute, ban and or other. I will not bias any of my friends I will do the appropriate thing and take the actions that are needed.

      When it comes to being a moderator on the server it is not all about bans and everything. It is more than that. It's about helping the players of the server out on what they need to suit them on the server like welcoming a player when they joined so that they feel welcomed to the server and helping a player out when they have a question about something. I would help every player out if they need help because I think when you help someone it makes them feel like they are comfortable on the server to know that when they need the help and attention they can get it.

      This is a big part of being a staff on the server dedication. To actually be "dedicated" to a server means that you can get on the server when they need you the most help they can get and just being active on forums and in-game. I plan on being dedicated to the server by making sure I do reports, be active on forums, and in-game so that I can make sure I have my full attention to mineverse. I will be doing hacker reports, and other in-game stuff when I am asked too.

      Yes, I know I have not been respectful in the past to numerous of players but as I stated I have changed that and I will make sure to have my full respect of every player that joins the server and that needs help. I will even make sure to respect a person even if they are arguing with me. I will respect hackers and the normal players I will not diss the players or the hackers out and make sure that I am calm in the situation to show that I respect there opinions and respect them as a human being on the server. I will respect players for who they are and no matter what they believe in or no matter who they are. Each player will get the same amount of respect.

      I am good at keeping secrets I don't tell people secrets about what other people have said about them because it can end up hurting them badly and I don't want to see people get hurt. I would not release any players private and or personal information to any other player that asks for it I will simply say that I cannot do that because it's that players information and it is private.

      I am very friendly and or welcoming to players that join the server for the first time and or that are coming back to the server to have a good time. I make sure to make the newcomers feel like they are welcomed in the server so that they have a fun time and that they can feel like the other players respect them and they can enjoy themselves.

      As a moderator, I will be making sure to check the rules daily so that I can see if any new rules were added so that if I see a player breaking that new rule or an old rule. I can take action and do my job as the staff member of the server.

      Patience / Calm
      I feel like this category is one of the biggest of them all. You have to have a lot of patience and you need to be calm as a staff member because you can not be getting frustrated waiting for a hacker to turn on his hacks when he knows theres a moderator on and he won't turn it on so you have to be patient on waiting for him. You need to be very calm and chill with the players so that they don't start flame wars in chat or start arguing with you.

      I am efficient when it comes to working I get my job done right and I like to get it done fast so I can then move onto the next job. I am fast at learning stuff and I am fast with commands and making reports to make sure that I do my job correctly and accurately. I am a fast typer so I can get the job done quick with my bans, kicks, and mutes.

      Contribution to the staff team / community

      I feel like I can contribute to the team because the server looks like it needs some more active staff and that there needs to be more staff on the servers like kitpvp, oppvp as there are many hackers on there. The players complain about them as I see them do it but, there is never any staff online to actually "do" something about it. I understand the players need to step up and record and report it themselves I get it but, the staff can at least help. I can bring happy smiles to the staff team by joking around with them and having fun and playing with them in-game and doing other fun stuff. I can bring a positive glow to the team by making sure that the people of the team can be welcomed to the team and that other people can feel welcomed. I can contribute to the community also by making sure that I am friendly and welcoming to the players of the server by saying welcome, and or hi.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?

      Sunday - 2-6 hours online
      Monday - 2-4 hours online
      Tuesday - 1-3 hours online
      Wednesday - 2-5 hours online
      Thursday - 3-6 hours online
      Friday 3-8 hours online
      Saturday - 5-7 hours online

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      Well, when I first joined mineverse it was about November 24th, 2013. I did not have a forums account back then yes I know I was a noob. I have been playing ever since I joined the server on november 24th because I felt it very fun and welcoming by the players and the staff.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)

      Yes, I have been banned in-game before and I regret every decision and thing I said and or made that got myself banned. I am sorry for those wrong doings and I plan to improve my actions.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      Yes, I have past experience as a moderator on numerous kitpvp / faction servers. I know a lot of the commands for the job and to make sure that I can get my job done efficiently. I have also been a coowner of my friends server but I didn't want to do it anymore so I quit and resigned because it got boring.

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No

      Yes, I meet all the requirements.

      50 post count:


      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up?

      Yes, I do.

      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums?

      Yes, I have over two weeks registered.

      Do you have Skype andTeamspeak 3 for offline communication?

      Yes, I have skype and teamspeak 3.

      End of the application
      Hello, thank you all for taking the chance to read my application I hope that everyone enjoys there time on the server and make sure to give feedback (any is recommended for stuff that will contribute to me getting staff). I hope that everyone enjoys there life and make sure to have fun and or ask me questions in-game or on forums if you have anymore information you want to know about me :D.

      Supports: 10
      Neutral: 3
      No support: 6
      *Note,* I am still currently finishing the application I could not finish due to how late it is for me, I have to go to sleep. I will finish on my own time when I can.​
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2017
    2. baile y

      baile y Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Neutral. The only thing is I haven't really seen you much IG or on forums. Your app looks great, you do a good amount of reports (but do a little more daily), and you seem nice. Good luck!
    3. Herf

      Herf Boss Member

      Jul 15, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Support dude love you
    4. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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    5. Pink

      Pink Well-Known Member

      May 7, 2014
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      Neutral for now
      Good luck ;)
    6. fireplaces

      fireplaces Experienced Member

      Sep 22, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Thanks for the feedback! I will take this into action. Hello Bailxy what gamemodes do you play on mineverse so I can make sure to be more active??
      Thanks for the feedback!
      Thank you!!
      Last edited: Feb 23, 2017
    7. BrainStormBlitz

      BrainStormBlitz Experienced Member

      Sep 3, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Never seen or herd of you in game or on forums, Neutral
    8. fireplaces

      fireplaces Experienced Member

      Sep 22, 2016
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      You probably know me by my old igns BeastPvP, xHarm, iClutch, etc... But, thanks for the feedback!
    9. baile y

      baile y Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      I play Skywars, creative, and opprison
    10. fireplaces

      fireplaces Experienced Member

      Sep 22, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Aye, I play all 3 of those gamemodes whats your IGN?
    11. Dev

      Dev Experienced Member

      Nov 25, 2016
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      Support :D gl Harm
    12. dogsbark

      dogsbark Active Member

      Feb 23, 2017
      Likes Received:
      Support. Lots of detail and honesty in this application. Good luck my dude :)
    13. fireplaces

      fireplaces Experienced Member

      Sep 22, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Thank you!
    14. fireplaces

      fireplaces Experienced Member

      Sep 22, 2016
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    15. Surge

      Surge Boss Member

      Sep 16, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Neutral Great application, But I haven't been able to see you In game so I can't judge your attitude to players and I haven't seen much of you on the forums, Best of luck with your application.
    16. fireplaces

      fireplaces Experienced Member

      Sep 22, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Thank you for the feedback, I will work on that.
    17. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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    18. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
      Likes Received:
      support gl
    19. fireplaces

      fireplaces Experienced Member

      Sep 22, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Thank you guys!!
    20. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
      Likes Received:

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