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  • Punishments, ban evanding.

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by JustSantaX_, Dec 3, 2018.


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    1. JustSantaX_

      JustSantaX_ Active Member

      Dec 3, 2018
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      Lets say its like this. (both player 1 and 2 is same person but with diffrent accounts) "player1" gets temp-banned from the server. Then the same person that owns player1 decides to bring his alt "player2" but then player2 gets banned for ban evanding. But then when player1 is unbanned and he decides to go back onto the server and play he gets banned for ban evanding…. This is basicly what have happend to me well many times... I think that this is kinda unfair because if player1 bought an unban instead of waiting the time he was banned for and then he go back into the server and ends up beeing banned again he basicly ends up wasted his money. Also it is kinda unfair because I think that the main account the person is using and gets banned from his main account and then he uses player2 to get back onto the server and gets banned for ban evanding, but then I think that when his main account is unbanned he should be allowed to play there without beeing worried that he will be banned, because if its like that it will be a loop of bans… of course he can wait until all his accounts is unbanned but seems kinda unfair to me. A player should not be banned for ban evanding if he is already banned because of it.
      This could be solved by doing this, (player1 is main account and player2 and 3 is alts) player1 gets banned from the server but then he gets his alt onto the server player2 and gets banned for ban evanding. Then player1's ban is out and he goes back onto the server and wont be banned because player2 was ban evanding for player1. But if he decides to put on another alt player3 then he should be banned for ban evanding because their not "linked" if that makes sense. Basicly player1 wont be banned for ban evanding if he have already used a diffrent alt to ban evand for player1, because they are linked but if he wants to put on another alt player3 instead of using player1 or using both at the same time player 3 should be banned because he is not "linked" with player1's ban.
      I hope this made sense, comment if something is unclear.
    2. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      or just not ban evade in the first place and follow the rules

      no support
    3. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      I believe that when you ban evade the main account gets increased ban time for ban evading, so this can never happen. The accounts would be unbanned at the same time. I'm not sure though.
    4. JustSantaX_

      JustSantaX_ Active Member

      Dec 3, 2018
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      Yes, but thats not the point. The point is that this is not fair.

      Sorry but I didnt quiet understand what u mean.

      here is an example of a rule from a diffrent server (SaicoPvP)
      "Players who are banned on another account cannot join the server until the original account is unbanned. In cases of public alts, these are used at your own risk, and if they get banned (by anyone, doesn’t have to be you) you will serve the punishment. If you have your main account banned and your alt account banned for ban evasion, and purchase an unban on one of these, you will not be banned for Ban Evasion. Please note that the bans are listed for permanent bans. Temporary bans will have your accounts banned for double the original ban time."
      THIS is how i think it should be.
      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2018
    5. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      What is not fair? I'm not seeing your point.

      If you log on with an alt, the alt is banned for the time left on the mains banned (it will sometimes be longer due to us not being able to ban by the hour or minute but it would not be a problem anyway if you simply don't ban evade.)

      We do not increase the time of the ban if you ban evade, we will perm ban you if you continue ban evading but that's for more severe cases.
    6. JustSantaX_

      JustSantaX_ Active Member

      Dec 3, 2018
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      I made a little drawing it sucks but I hope u will understand what I mean unless u already do. (I hope u are able to read what I wrote there.)
    7. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Ban Evading ban lengths are stated in the rules.
      "Ban/Mute Evading: (Ban for the same amount of time as the muted/banned main)"
      Which means the account that is being used to ban evade with, will be banned for however much time is left on the main account's ban.
      1. Main is banned for 7 days for hacking
      2. Ban evading on an alt with 5 days left on main's ban
      3. Mod bans alt for 5 days.
      That's how it works. This makes it so the main account and alt(s) are unbanned at relatively the same time.

      All that player would have to do is make a ban appeal and explain that they bought an unban.

      How can you say that when breaking rules to gain an unfair advantage, and then ban evading the punishment given to you?

      The ban evading rule is not going to change. Even if it does, it will only become more severe.

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