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  • Creative Basics Support for Creative and Creative2

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Itaaaaaa, Jan 13, 2019.

    1. Itaaaaaa

      Itaaaaaa Experienced Member

      Aug 18, 2016
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      For those who don't know, doing the command /creative2 will would take you to the original creative world, and there are a few points as to why this should be continued and not abandoned.

      The original creative plots don't have to be updated, then can quite literally all just be a static world with no building permissions because that's not the important parts about creative. In my experience since early 2013, creative has been always been a place for expression. That is what drove the minds of many people as they built whatever they'd like, be it simple or complex. Players like Gysan built malls for player heads, only for it to be gutted after some of the plot re-works, noteblock music players such as xDeathstar111 (or senpai_tatsumi) had their machines ruined, as non-added players would be unable to hear the songs they had created. In creative1 and creative2, allowing for heads to be taken using NBT+ and for redstone inputs/activators to be re-activated.

      Now at the start, I mentioned that creative2 will would take you to the original creative world. This is weird, as it is not advertised and is unreachable other than with the command. Heading to it will bring you to the original creative world, albeit without your rank and if you changed your username, the system wouldn't be able to notice for whatever reason (it did know in the past). Many of my friends left notes on their plots as a way for them to acknowledge the time that had passed between us. Many of people had done the same for theirs. Creative2 is a nostalgia rush for many old-time creative players, which begs the question "Why was it dis-continued?" Even after creative1 was implemented, creative2 was available for a few months, then removed for reason that were not communicated (My main belief as to why mineverse went down).

      TL DR - Creative1 could use some tweaks to make it less awful, and Creative2 should continue to have support despite its retirement as a main feature of mineverse
    2. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      Creative2 is just down because ranks are bugged.

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