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  • weird & relatable - game

    Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Pitato, Feb 1, 2020.

    1. Pitato

      Pitato Active Member

      Jan 13, 2020
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      I've recently thought of a game that could potentially be fun, if we got enough activity on this thread.

      The point of this game is to say something weird & relatable things that we all used to do as a child, and if someone replies saying, "I can relate," you would then get a point. This could also just be a fun way to see what we all used to do as a kid, or still do.
      If you can relate and you still do it, you get 2 points.

      Once someone replies, they have to say something weird & relatable.

      So, I'll start:

      (classic) we all used to look in the refrigerator and close the door slightly to see the light turn off

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