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  • SA ✯♔⌘GGs/Guiixx Moderator Application!!⌘♔✯

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by GGs, Jan 10, 2017.

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    1. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Ok I have been playing Mineverse for so long right now, I have done many mistakes in the begining but I have changed since I realised what I have done wrong, I began to care more about the server, love it more and play it more. I am active on all game modes you can realise that if you search my name GGs_ on the forums I got many reports in from about all game modes, I love reporting a lot. sometimes I don't report a lot or stop for a week or two but that's not because I am not in the mood but it is because of life opportunities, like exams, school opportunities and studying, but I worked out a schedule for my normal days, not exam days so that I can time manage my studying and playing times. If we haven't met it doesn't mean I am not active or your not active but it is because of different time zones or life opportunities, for example: I am in Gmt and you're in AST at the time I am playing you might be sleeping or at the time I am playing you might be studying or at work and at the time I am studying or at school you are playing, these are possible reasons for not meeting a lot or not meeting at all in game. I was a very disrespectful person a lot at first but then I changed, sometimes I joke around but some people take it seriously before they realise it was a joke, but I never really mean it.

      Please consider this note while rating/reading my application.

      Your in-game name:
      My current in-game name is Guiixx. You also may and will know me as GGs. any other names are located here.

      What timezone are you in?
      Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

      What country do you live in?

      England// United Kingdom

      What languages do you speak?
      I am able to speak English and Arabic. (in my older applications I have said that I have spoken many other languages, however, because I don't use them in my daily life I forgot them)

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      I use Bandicam for screen recording and upload it to my reports channel. I use screenshots for chat related things.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?


      I play Mineverse every day, I play almost all game modes on a daily basis: Infection, Kitpvp, Oppvp, Survival. I play all the other game modes but not on a daily basis so I don't play there every day.


      I help all the players on Mineverse that ask/need help, if someone is issuing a glitch I try to help with my abilities but if it is over my abilities I tell him to email [email protected], I also help players asking for commands or instructions about how to play or what to do in this situation.


      I respect all players on Mineverse, I may be rude sometimes to hackers but doesn't mean I am rude to all persons or rude in general, I may have been disrespectful in my past but now I have changed a lot (hope you take this into consideration). I don't discriminate between any player on any basis, I do respect any player and defend him if someone is racist to him and if it goes over the limit of discrimination I report the player.


      I have been playing Mineverse for 2 years (on different accounts), I have experience with everything in it, I also know the punishments and protocols, I want to learn more about being a staff member on a huge server like this, I want to have more life experiences in many perspectives.


      I am honest in my life, I feel that saying the truth is the best even if it leads to your death, I also think that I can be trusted with this position in the server as a staff member, I hope that I can help improve my community and make it a lovely place for all members and players.


      I think I am mature enough to help, hold this place and be a Moderator, I have learned a lot in-game and my mistakes made me more experienced and mature enough to be a part of the Moderation team. In my past, I may have done many mistakes that could have shown that I am immature but I have changed a lot and learned from my mistakes.


      I think I can hold the position and won't resign like other mods have done I did see how many moderators have resigned after a month, but many of my friends have been accepted and they tell me that they love this position a lot and they want me to be part of the team, but not resign, I also would like that because if I am a moderator I would help the server and I love helping others this is what will make me not resign.

      Fast Typing:

      I am a fast typer, this could help me a lot in doing commands as fast as possible and not only limited to that but answering any player's questions as fast as possible so that they don't need to wait or even leave because their questions were not answered.


      I am not a biased player after all ( I have been a biased player in the past but I have not changed, I once made a joke that I am searching for a girlfriend and she needs to a be a high rank it was a joke after all but many have taken it seriously) I don't take sides in a situation except if the side is going with the rules and the other isn't, I do report my friends and ban them because even if they are my close friends they can't just break rules and not get the punishments they are supposed to get, when it is to the rules I have no friends except my screen recorder.

      Hack catcher:

      I have hacked many times in my life which is a part of my life that I am not proud of, therefore when I used to hack I have learned about all hacks and studied them well, this can and will help me get to catch hackers, however sometimes I get lack of evidence and that is because nobody is perfect, but I will 100% make sure that someone is hacking and if I get confused I will refer to other moderators if I was promoted.


      If I become a moderator I will put myself in other player's shoes, trying to understand their feelings, emotions and problems to try to help them solve it.


      I am friendly to everyone in general, I also love my friends and I can never forget them whatever happens, however I don’t mean that I would give them a special treatment over others since I am equal to everyone, I see that everyone is my friend and I treat everyone as they are my friends.


      I am well-known in the community, however, many don’t know me personally or even never heard of me or played with me, as I said before this is for different time zones and opportunities, I have loved this server and helped a lot of people which made me more well-known.


      I learn a new thing every day, increasing my experience while playing and in real life. Whenever I play each day I learn something knew, increasing my experience in playing and more of in commands, nowadays I know almost all commands and when to use them and how to use them correctly.


      I see myself as a hardworking person to make the server a better place for the people who play it, I do my best to make them happy and comfortable while playing mineverse, trying to drag them to play more and more often on mineverse, however I also hard work on making the place a more strict stick place to the rules so that it's a fair place/game, I do that even if it leads to permanently ban my best friends, this is because rules are rules, and rules are there to make the game a comfortable place.


      Well my timezone helps me a lot in the community since not a lot of moderators are in the Eu or United kingdom or GMT, this could be taken as an advantage since this way I can have more dedicated time to meet a lot of new players since the GMT timezone connects to a lot of other time zones.

      Aware of the rules:

      I am aware of the rules, I do my best to try to stay updated with the rules this way I can stay stick to the rules, however, I also like others to be stick to the rules so I report them when they break a rule, I do know all the rules however if I am not sure of the rules I always refer the to rules thread.


      I am efficient and that's because I try to do any work as fast as possible and as accurate as possible, this way I can try to get a bit near perfection so that I can help the community more often in a faster way.


      I am self-confident, I am not shy to talk and discuss people’s problems this way I can help them faster and I am confident enough not to be affected by other people’s hate, however I don’t like people to hate me even if I don’t get affected, I try to discuss with them why they hate me and what I can improve so that they are happy with me and they stop hating me.


      People are more confident, happy and nice when they are treated in a kind and respectful way because they feel they are not neglected or anything that way, however being nice have limits because being extra nice may make the person look into himself as he is a very special person considered to others so I am nice to everyone in limits.


      I organize everything in my life, even my game for example: I organize screenshots in a folder, videos in a folder, I also organize my time a lot, for example: I have a time for playing, studying and activities, this way I can enjoy playing and activities, therefore, keep up my high grades, this way my playing time won’t affect my grade and my studying won’t affect my joy-filled time.


      I won’t abuse any of my moderator abilities for my own use, however, I will use them to make the game a more fair place and make it comfortable for everyone.


      I love to make jokes to make people happier while playing, and I am about always funny as long as it is still under the rules limits, therefore I am serious at the times you should be serious at or at the situations that need you to be serious in.


      I am always positive because a positive person will give positive energy to others and take out their negative energy, this way he will make the people around him happy.


      I am intelligent in many things that could help me make people happy and draw a smile on their faces, I am intelligent in making a place fairer and I am great at helping people.


      I am a person that can be trusted and I can hold your back when you can’t do something at the current moment, I am independent in my work tho I would refer to others if I am confused about something and others can refer to me if they need help in something.

      Calm (Even-Tempered):

      I am calm in almost all situations and it's hard to get me angry, however, sometimes I may act angry but not rude to people who can’t stop being rude to others.

      Cautious (alerted at all times):

      I am alerted at all time before I do anything I check if it is appropriate to do so and as some say “Count to 10 before you do anything” I take this thing into consideration when I act to something so that I don’t hurt the people around me. I am also alerted when playing to check that nobody is breaking the rules and if they are I would report them.

      How long can you be active on the server every day?

      I got a schedule for both school days and holidays

      School Days:
      Sunday: 2-3 hours
      Monday: 2-4 hours
      Tuesday: 3-5 hours
      Wednesday: 2-3 hours
      Thursday: 4-5 hours
      Friday: 4-6 hours
      Saturday: 4-6 hours

      Sunday: 4-5 hours
      Monday: 3-5 hours
      Tuesday: 4-6 hours
      Wednesday: 4-6 hours
      Thursday: 5-6 hours
      Friday: 5-6 hours
      Saturday: 5-6 hours

      Note: All these schedules aren’t 100% correct since I may be going out with my friends and family on some of these days or I may have exams on these days.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I have been playing for 3 years now. 1 year on this account. 3 years on other accounts, however, Guiixx is my main.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      I was banned 4 times for hacking on mini-games but I didn't realise that because it was at the time you don't know if you were banned from the lobby or it's just you can't join but then I was banned on Infection for hacking so I realised that I was hacking and I stopped. I was once banned for advertising ( it was an accident I meant to tell it to my friend but accidently said it in public). I was never banned from the forums.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I have owned 5 servers(Survival, Factions, Bedwars, kitpvp and Minigames)
      I have been a head admin on a factions server. And a Co-Owner of another faction's server.
      I was a moderator on a survival server.
      I have experience with commands that staff usually get: (these aren't all Moderator commands but these are commands I have dealt with)
      /ban [player] [reason]
      /tempban [player] [reason] [time]
      /mute [player] [reason] [times]
      /warn [player] [reason]
      /unban [player]
      /checkban [player]

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No
      Do you have 50 Post Count? ✔️
      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? ✔️
      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums? ✔️
      Do you have Skype and Teamspeak 3 for offline communication? ✔️

      I have done many mistakes but I fixed them. Please don't look into my ban past as if it's something bad but I am proud of it because it gave me experience when dealing and record/reporting hackers. I have not been reporting a lot for a while now because of some life reasons and part of them are my exams please don't consider this something that would make you not support me because I am working on my report activity and thanks!

      I will try to keep this up to date:

      Supports: 3 :)
      Neutral: 4 :|
      No Supports: 4 :(
      Last edited: Jan 10, 2017
    2. Surge

      Surge Boss Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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      The Requirements for a moderator from what i know is to handle 3 reports every 2 days would you be able to do so, Dude your not that active with reports from what i've seen on your report channel every week you will make one to 4 videos, I suggest removing that part until you can live up to the expectation typed on your app,
      However im really enjoying the hard work you put into your app,
      Im going neutral for now. Best of luck (Nothing against you just trying to be honest)
      Last edited: Jan 10, 2017
    3. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Thanks I would be sure to work on that. :)
    4. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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    5. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Thanks!! :)
    6. Starbucks

      Starbucks Well-Known Member

      Apr 5, 2016
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      I'm gonna have to no support for now.

      Recently when I've been seeing you play infection you get angry easily and in your app it says this??

      Also I don't see you being active with reports lately. Another reason is that you need to start being more active on more game modes besides your favourites.
    7. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      No support. Like Prim said, you get easily angry. Where are the reports at?
      Not seen you in game in about 2 weeks.
      Almost never seen you in fourms.
    8. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      Support, but fix the beginning: "I have done many mistakes in the begging".
    9. Pink

      Pink Well-Known Member

      May 7, 2014
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      I'm going to give you a Neutral for now.
      The application is good and long.
      Reason's are stated.
      Get some reports in, and be a little more active. Then you have my Support.
      Best of luck ;)
    10. DanDeDonut

      DanDeDonut Experienced Member

      Apr 8, 2016
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      No support, Need to do more reports bro will change when you do you will get my support.
    11. Griff

      Griff Well-Known Member

      Jul 12, 2016
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      Neutral, work on reports, activity on other gamemodes, and activity on forums ;)
    12. Sando3

      Sando3 Tom Holland Premium

      Sep 21, 2015
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      @Porky, maybe you should consider reading the application before you comment bb c;

      I support you, although also I would like to see you show your contribution to the server through reports now that you've finished your exams <3 :blush:
    13. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      I did.
      It's not an excuse. If he is busy, he shouldn't apply. @GGs, apparently you are on for 2 hours at the least. Surely that is enough time for at least 5 reports. Not seen you in game for ages, same with fourms. That reason is definitely valid. Like I said, I am going to stay with no support for now. I may change my mind.
      Good luck!
    14. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Thanks for you opinion, I will work on that!
      Thanks for you opinion.
      Thanks I am gonna work on that as for now, please excuse me for my report activity as I had exams and finished today.
      Thanks :)
      Thanks :)
    15. KinderEggs

      KinderEggs Active Member

      Mar 8, 2016
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      I'm going to give you a neutral for now to...
      I've not seen you on any gamemode for my whole mineverse time. And I've been playing mineverse since 2014...
    16. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Thanks for your opinion!
    17. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      Going with with surge said for now, no support.
    18. Stacker7

      Stacker7 Boss Member

      Aug 19, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support
      -inactive with reports
      -I rarely see you in-game
      -You are pretty immature
      -not helpful

      Good luck
    19. Cooldrewboo

      Cooldrewboo Active Member

      Apr 22, 2016
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      No Support Reasons Stated... Good Luck Tho! :)
    20. Wolfie

      Wolfie Boss Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      No Support.

      You need to show us that you are active. All I see you on is infection. You are also not too active with reports. You are immature, and unhelpful. We also need moderators that can remain calm, even with rude people and hackers.
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