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  • NA [Canada] YinMC - Moderator Application [Creative & Skygrid]

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by Yin, Apr 21, 2014.

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    1. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Hello, I'm Yin.
      . My name is Tyler, otherwise known as Yin, and I've decided to start my application today. I'd like to begin by saying, I really appreciate how far I've gone, and the road to where I've gotten as of right now, is absolutely amazing. Great to have your appreciation. I advise people to not tell me to add colors, or anything unnecessary, as I'd like to keep this thread as tidy, and my application, as professional as possible. I encourage constructive criticism, and signs of approval. Thank you for reading this annotation, and I hope you enjoy this application, all posts are tolerated and appreciated :)

      How old are you?
      As of the time this is written (December 12th, 2014), I am aged at 13, as of November 5th, 2014. If my forum age ever shows up, it says I'm 15, but that was a mistake from the early days, when I first made this account, believing that the 13 years of age requirement was required in order to join (keeping in mind I just turned 12 when I created this account). I've tried to contact the support e-mail, but I've never received a reply back

      Your in-game name:
      From around March 2013 - January 2014, I used RandomDude237 for my account, which was happily lent from a dear friend of mine (which, he never used on this server, it was all me here.) Nowadays, that account has been brought back to its rightful owner, and I carried on using YinMC from February 28th - present. Mind the gap in between the time I borrowed RandomDude237, and the creation of YinMC. This is because I had a short absence from Mineverse, for various reasons, as shown here, and created the account sometime in between that thread (likely in January) and the innovation of this thread. I also believe I did have an alt I used for a day, but I forgot the name, and only used it for a day, to play on Survival Games, and chill on Prison with.

      What timezone are you in?
      Currently in Pacific Standard Time. I'll notify the administration if it's changed.

      What country do you live in?

      British Columbia, Canada.

      What languages do you speak?
      My main language is English, yet I've been learning Canadian French for about 3 years, and can cover most things said that would violate our rules, and how to warn, file a ban message, and read parts of a dispute (although I have a translator plugin on my computer to read parts that I misinterpret, or am unsure of). As for speech, not the best, but I'm learning it. Other than that conundrum, I'm continuing to learn it on my free time, with the help and support of another server I got to, with a big French background.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      I feel this mod app already has little pointers here and there on why I should be mod, but this question is crucial, so I'll try my best to explain why I would be the ideal candidate for the position.

      I believe I show great loyalty to the server. As a veteran to the server, spanning over 1 year, soon to be 2, and being on here for a majority of that time, I think I've proved I stay true to this server, and have the commitment to continue showing it. During the time on here, I've worked to build myself to the top on multiple gamemodes, and I feel I've achieved that spot.

      I am respected by many, hated from very little. Through the time I've been on, I have talked to many people, trying to answer any questions that they may have on the server. I've tried to remain humble, and caring for a lot of people, regardless of how I truly feel about people here. I feel like I have almost no blood on my hands, and that's why I always feel great whenever I walk into the server.

      I'm one who supports justice over mercy. If somebody does an evildoing, they should always be charged with the consequences, regardless of their position inside the server. If this person is a repeat offender, continuously asking for the second opportunity, I'm not going to say yes most of the time. They broke the rules, they have to learn to abide them.

      Honesty, is always the best policy. I'm perfectly fine with saying anything that I've done wrong, knowing how bad the consequences may be, and just taking the blame. Nobody should be hiding in the shadows, people should always be open with everything, no matter how tough or agonizing the truth may be, as it's the right thing. I'm honestly awful at lying, so I might as well go this path.

      To conclude on smaller notes. I feel I've made a title for myself, and can achieve things of great limits, with my dedication to something. I may seem like I'm bragging, and I'm very sorry about all that, but this really feels like the only way I can possibly explain it. I just have to hope for the best.

      Last edited: Dec 12, 2014
    2. quickflame

      quickflame Experienced Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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      You have my support, bud. Nice application.
    3. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Hey there! I kinda have to chop my mod app up a bit, due to it going over the character limit. I'd go and add a bit more to the top one, but I'd just like to slice it up as equally as I can, character wise. Anyway, let's resume.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?

      Unfortunately, I can never give definite answers to these types of questions, but from my predictions, I can ring in with this

      On typical Mondays - Fridays, I sleep till 6:45, and cannot access the computer until after school, afterwards, I have school from 8:25 - 2:45, meaning those hours are times when I'll be non-functionable, with very rare exceptions, almost definitely for only a short period of time if it arises. I usually return home at 3:00, and finish all my work before touching any sort of electronic device. The homework I have can take from 5- 180 minutes to complete all assignments (or make progress on a project/projects. Times may vary, depending on dinnertime as well). After all that blows over, I finally spend time ingame, occasionally in TS as well. I have dinner sometime from 4:30 - 7:00, although most commonly 5:30 - 6:00 range. Depending on how late the supper is, determines how long I'm commonly ingame. Suppertime should take about 30 minutes. After that, I usually have a bit of time to relax and be with myself, or do a thing that usually doesn't pop-up in the agenda, till about 9:00 PM. During that last hour, I'd usually log onto forums, as this is the time I am most productive when it comes to typing, as long as my attention span keeps up with the more extensive posts I write. At 10:00, I stop, but check the place from time to time to check if anybody needs me, and by 11:00, I attempt to sleep, and avoid all temptations of the Mineverse community, as possible. If you crunch the numbers, if you consider the time from goes from 12:00:01 AM - 11:59:59, and subtract the essentials with their variables, and find the remaining time, we are left with about 1 - 4 hours to moderate the server on these school weekdays. I'll try my best to aim for the 3 hour mark, so I can still have a few social interactions, and work on other communities.

      the variables still stand, so these times can sway a bit. If for any reason those numbers plummet significantly, I'll try and make up for it on other days, where I can ensure productive use of my moderation duties, such as weekends and holidays, along with alerting the higher staff beforehand, hopefully meaning 24 hours ahead of the inactivity. However, I was only counting days in regards with school being in continuation. On days without school, like holidays and weekends, I have the ability to spend as much time as I'd like to play, and moderate. I can also sleep whenever I need to. While supper and homework still stand, I will usually spend a lot of time working, and not drifting somewhere. My times on days like these tend to last from 3 - 9 hours. However, if there's a second day in which school doesn't pop-up, the sleep rule may decrease the amount of time I work, and the quality of my work, may plummet from the first day. Since these types of things have an incredible amount of sway, I cannot give an accurate prediction on how many hours I can spend.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      Since sometime around March 2013. Joined forums on November 15th.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?

      Just today (Dec. 22, 2014), I was banned from TeamSpeak for 20 minutes, for too many complaints. I don't have the full scoop on what happened, but I was in TS with Daddy, Onion, MCexplore, jedi, and a few others, on the Mineverse subsection in the Skyblock TS. Since this was an open place that was welcome for all players, and we wanted a place more private, we thought of going to the donor section, but I was one of the only who didn't have donor. So what the boys did, was poke a mod that I have donor. I received the rank, but wanted to return it, since it wasn't right. I poked the mod clearing up what happened, and got the rank revoked. I told the pals that she got me, and was then mass poked by the vast majority of them. I didn't care too much, until I got the message saying I was banned for 20 minutes for "too many complaints", since this was an unexpected one. This was later resolved by that same mod, as "misuse of the complaint system", and was pardoned.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      Several experiences. I formerly hosted a server for a build team who attempted to build a map for a game in a big server. Unfortunately, the group broke up two weeks later, and I had to shut the server down.

      I was a co-owner on a friends server. I helped construct spawn, and ensure nobody stumbled in, as it was a private server, that wasn't whitelisted for some players convenience. The server lasted about a week, then died off, due to a greifer managing to crash the server, and we could never back it up again, nor restart.

      I was an administrator on a KitPvP server, known as MineDelta, created by a friend. This is the server where I feel I learned the most with commands. This place also had a forum, XenForo based. Here, this taught me how to move threads, lock threads, warning messages, and spambot control. Being the avid forumer on multiple servers, I was told I have everything I'd need for admin on the server, but I was in charge of the forums. The forums were almost entirely filled with mod apps, where I took care of a majority of them. As for the ingame community, I was commonly /v'd, trying to privately spot any hackers found. It was rather easy to find a majority of them, since we had no NCP. The process would be to record them, ban for 1 week if first offense, and permanently if the 2nd offense, upload it, and submit it to the owners, who later confirm that it was hacks. We also tried to take care of profanity, abuse, and other common rules in a lot of communities, but we never found too much of it to really write about it. The server and forum still stands, but are an abandoned ghostown, that I, and none of the staff bother to enter.

      Which two servers would you like to moderate?

      Skygrid and Creative would be ideal. If for any reason one or the other doesn't become an option, I'll take OP PvP and SG, OP PvP being priority over SG.

      Just a quick note

      Hello there! I'm Tyler, and this is my second mod app, but my third attempt at applying. I'd just like to say that for those of you who previously supported my application, I have requested that all posts are to be deleted. The reasoning behind this, is because I am revamping my application, after about 6 months. Some of the people who did support, don't even exist anymore, and are just kinda pointless. Not only is it because of the people, it's because the application has made drastic changes, and the supports were for the original, not something crazy like this, thus rendering those supports as unneccessary. If you were a person who previously supported this application, I encourage you to read through this, and the app itself, and then come to a verdict. Sorry for any inconvenience, but this is for my own good.
      Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
    4. Chibi

      Chibi Boss Member

      Jun 21, 2014
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      Support :)
    5. Malc

      Malc The Pro Moderator Premium

      Oct 10, 2014
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      Damn I wanted to be first.

      Anyway, Yin, yes. You fully deserve this position, 100%. Not only are you helpful, but you're reasonable, smart, mature, nice, honest, trustworthy, and so much more. A while ago, I don't know if you remember, but I told you what an amazing mod you'd make, and I'm so glad you applied. If anyone deserves this, it's you. <3

      Support. :>
      Last edited: Dec 12, 2014
    6. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Amazing App
      - Your Active
      - Great App
      - Nice In game and caring

      Support :)
    7. SeanDF

      SeanDF Boss Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Support :D
    8. gabby

      gabby Legendary Member

      May 3, 2014
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    9. PopIs_MyLife

      PopIs_MyLife Legendary Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      Support!!! Try to be more active in game though :)
    10. ImTopmass

      ImTopmass Boss Member

      Jun 28, 2014
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      Support :).
    11. Ohmic

      Ohmic Legendary Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      You deleted my post even though I still exist. :rage:
      Anyways, support! You are helpful, active on forums, and friendly. Good luck! :)
    12. UncleUrnesto

      UncleUrnesto Boss Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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    13. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Woah, I'm amazed by all the support I've gotten only 24 hours into the revamp. Thank you everybody :)
    14. Ian2001

      Ian2001 Experienced Member

      May 14, 2014
      Likes Received:
      SUPPORT :)
    15. Van

      Van Boss Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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    16. SubZeroFinest

      SubZeroFinest Active Member

      Oct 24, 2014
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    17. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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    18. Freckle

      Freckle Experienced Member

      May 1, 2014
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      Support! You would make a very good mod. Good luck bud. :jim:
    19. kitkat6605910

      kitkat6605910 Legendary Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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      how haven't I supported this..
    20. Spice

      Spice Boss Member

      Nov 27, 2013
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