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  • Creative Community

    Discussion in 'Rant Archive' started by xToddx, Oct 2, 2016.

    1. xToddx

      xToddx Active Member

      Oct 2, 2016
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      So I've noticed the Creative community on Mineverse is often complained about. I've created this thread as a list of reasons as to why it's good and bad, through the eyes of many points of view. Some may argue before even reading on that I have no clue what I'm talking about, when really, I've seen everything on Mineverse. I've been on Mineverse for 3 years, although I've never made a forums account because I never felt the need. I've seen a lot of the good and bad on Mineverse, and I speak for almost everyone when I say this...there's a definite mixture of both.

      Some of the good things I've noticed:
      • There are some talented builders on Mineverse!
      • There are people who follow the rules and don't bypass chat filters.
      • There are people who recognize that not everyone is 13+ and/or mature.
      • Moderators do what they can to their fullest when they are on.
      • There are competitions of sorts that allow players to gain prizes.
      • There are RPs (roleplays) that allow builders to express their creativity in a variety of ways.
      • There are SFW (safe for work) clubs that promote socialization and even relationship making of sorts.
      • Some plot owners are generous enough to let others build on their plots. (Example: community plots where users can choose to build their own home or rent/buy an existing one.)

      Some of the bad things I've noticed:
      • Moderators aren't on too often.
      • There is a lot of drama.
      • There are inappropriate builds all over the place!
      • Many users have "crash code" books that actually do a lot of damage.
      • There are users that bypass chat filters.
      • There are users that hack into other user accounts just to pester the rest of us, thereby costing the accounts of others.
      • Many users that are 12- are being introduced to "drugs" via. Mineverse; through the use of the tall grass and labelling it as "weed", taking potions and giving them various drug names. Alcohol abuse is also being induced through these same methods.
      • There are NSFW (not safe for work) clubs that promote 'strippers', alcohol, drugs, and that one topic everyone either loves or hates...sex. Especially sex, as there are separate rooms in these builds that are mostly secluded to promote sexual acts.
      There are other parts of this community I've noticed, most of which are about the people rather than the plots:
      • There is a variety of ages.
      1. This can be an advocate for pedophiles. I've noticed this on many other servers, where the younger ones are tempted and persuaded by adults to share personal info. We can all imagine why this would be a problem.
      2. Many children under the age of 13 will be exposed to graphic material that may damage them. Many Minecraft servers have been shut down for this reason, and there may be more to come.
      • There are foreigners/foreign language speakers on this server.
      1. Many native English speakers attack those who aren't. This can cause the foreigner to feel bad about their English-speaking ability, and may become worse with the language. I know this sounds farfetched; but I know many Hispanics that have actually gone through a point in their life where they didn't want to speak English anymore because of how often Americans/native English speakers treated them and the way they spoke.
      • Trolls tend to drop by every once in awhile.
      1. Now, I'm not at all complaining about the 'trolls' on this server. Who cares. But the way people handle them is absolutely awful. It's mind-boggling to me that some people take trolls seriously. I mean, I know little kids may not understand, but it is very important to keep in mind that trolls should never be taken seriously, as that drives them further on. Their source of happiness is sick, but it comes from pissing...well...what they deem "idiots"...off. Egging them on like this encourages more trolls, and may even leave a server empty after a while. I suggest this: kiddos, if there is a troll on your server, or wherever you are...ignore them, or join in. Like the saying goes; "If you can't beat 'em, join' em." It's not bad to occasionally jump in on a sensitive topic and joke around about it! It's a way for us to get over negative feelings, and furthermore, understand the feelings and viewpoints of others.
      • Many of us have different viewpoints, which is understandable.
      1. But like with the troll situation, not many of us can handle others' views on certain topics. I'll make this short; if you don't have anything nice to say, shut it. It's pointless to egg on a biased debate. Especially if it's something that really is opinion based.

      That's just about all I have for now...I will continue to update with anymore information I find! This was definitely an interesting post to make, and I did enjoy making it. Thank you to all who read this, and I hope everyone has a nice day! <3
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    2. Rythen

      Rythen Builder Builder

      Apr 3, 2015
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      I agree, creatives isn't so much building anymore, it's kinda created itself sexual role plays, truth or dare and clubs. But that's why people go on it. If we made those things against the rules no one would play creative anymore sadely...
    3. jezz

      jezz Well-Known Member

      Mar 13, 2016
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      I dont really see the harm in roleplays, but sexual clubs and things I do.

      I've been a part of the Creative community for just under 3 years now, and I've seen it change and grow. I'm 12 now, and when I joined everyone was friendly, no trollbooks, no griefers nor spammers. But now it's chock full of them.
    4. Kyontom

      Kyontom Active Member

      Jul 17, 2016
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      I got Offended By a player name Peaceoutpeop He called me a Babe And a And then He asked me to date him and Like is wrong with him

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      Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2016
    5. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      youre such a babe



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