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  • How to: Heads in Factions

    Discussion in 'Guides & "How To"' started by Diamonds180, May 2, 2015.

    1. Diamonds180

      Diamonds180 Well-Known Member

      Mar 17, 2015
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      Today I am giving you guys a guide as to how to get a lot of heads in Factions.

      NOTE: This will require hiring people and amazing Pvp skill.

      What are heads?

      Heads are (as you guessed it) blocks that resemble a players head and with their skin.

      How can I get them?

      You get them by:
      1. Find a player with a head you want.
      2. Let's say for instance I "bounty" @Elric . (Sorry.)
      3. We want to bounty for as less as we can (money) so do the following...
      4. /bounty iElric (or other player name) 5
      5. Now, the first person to kill that bounties person gets the $5 money reward and YOU recieve the head!

      And what methods can I use to get even MORE heads?

      1. Bounty Hunter

      (The method up above, but just bounty loads of people instead of one. If you go afk, you may return with 10 or so heads)

      2. Raid Slayer

      Find a raid with people inside it. Make sure they cannot see you but you see their gametag.
      Now, bounty all of the players you can see. As soon as you're kitted up, break into the raid and surprise kill everyone.

      Basically if it goes well then you get lots of nice looking heads.

      However if it goes wrong...
      Hmm. Whoops.

      3. Kill them all!!

      Go to the Faction line at spawn, look for any unarmoured players, and instantly bounty them. Get a team or faction to help you with this.
      Now jump out and surprise kill them all. Again, lots of heads.

      So guys, I hope I made your walls prettier with all those heads.
      See you guys,
      -diamonds180-Ewan Huxtable

      If you came from my help guides, here is the link back: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/my-help-guides.49752/

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