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  • How to write a great mod app!!

    Discussion in 'Guides & "How To"' started by Snowy, Feb 7, 2016.

    1. Snowy

      Snowy Experienced Member

      Jan 10, 2016
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      I've decided to post this to help some people out. I like to give my opinion on a mod app and that means being critical. People that are new and applying for a mod on this server this note is for you. A moderator is a kind of helper, they advice and help other players. Commands enable them to ban and mute people when given a valid reason and strong evidence to support. It is recommended that you get to know the server first before applying as most people will put no support, therefore I am warning you now. I have never been a mod and do not want to be, but I want the best staff any server has ever seen (it is already quite amazing). You should know that it is a lot of effort and responsibility despite what some people may say. Do not let me put you off though I am only giving you guidance on how to write a mod app.

      Tips before starting:
      -Read through other mod apps (accepted) to gather information, such as the length of the application and the detail. (Link:http://www.mineverse.com/forums/accepted-applications.105/)
      -Think about whether or not you want this and that you are old/ mature enough to take on this responsibility, some people can handle it such as @MaxNinja10 and others have had potential but not been active enough.
      -Activity, are you active on the forums and in game. This includes all game modes, yes even hellblock.
      -Do you have recording software to record hackers?
      -Do you have any past bans or warnings etc. ?

      Structuring your mod app and what to put:


      Write a brief intro, basically outline what game modes you like and what you like to do on MV. You can also write what you like in real life but try not to add too much personal info, none at all is better for the intro.

      The following are very easy to complete:

      Your ign - list your current Minecraft username, you can also add any old ones.
      How old are you? - All you need to do is put your age :). If you are uncomfortable about putting it, just put a small age range like 12-14.
      What timezone are you in? - This again is easy to write. It depends on where you live. For example if you live in New York in America the timezone would be -05:00. You can look up your timezone on the internet.
      What country do you live in? - Where to you live? You only need to state the country.
      What languages do you speak? As this server is primarily USA and Australian you should aim to speak a fair bit of English and well as your own country's language. For this section list all the languages you can speak in.

      Now the main bit:

      Why do you think you should become mod?
      Some people think that they can get away with writing very little in the section. You should actually aim to write a fair bit, list ant personality traits and explain them in how it is useful for a mod. Here if one example answer on how not to write it:

      I wanna be mod cuz I think that hackers are bad and I wanna help to ban them. Many other mods have the power to ban someone and I want to as well.

      This is bad because they haven't used proper English for a start. Using proper English will gain you support because it shows that you take careful time and interest in creating the mod app. Another issue is that it is in yellow, this is very difficult to see. This one is slightly easier because it is is darker yellow but when it comes round to making a mod app you don't want to burn people's eyes out. Lastly there simply isn't enough detail. They haven't listed any personal traits and explained them. It is like a CV you want to say you stand o, this is the most important part and this defines you from the other 200 or so people that are writing a mod app. Here is part of an example on a good and well structured mod app:

      Why do you think you should become a moderator?

      Honesty - I don't like to lie, especially when it comes to real life. I am honest and come clean about wrongdoings. This is useful for becoming a mod because if I got in I would have to ban people in reason, if this wasn't done then I would definitely say it was me. If I wrongly banned a person I would say it was me, even at the risk of losing my position. Tell the truth is more important than trying to get someone else into trouble.

      Helpful - I try to be very helpful in MV and in real life. If someone asked me a question then I would answer it truthfully. If I didn't know I would ask another, more experienced mod. If I became mod I would try my best to help other people if needed, I would also offer help to people that are struggling with the game mode. I would also do this in the forums, if someone asked me a question such as how do you view your trophy points, In would answer by saying "Click on your profile picture and where you see the number of trophy points you have click on them".

      This is much better, only part of what you should write. Aim to discuss around 4 or 5 personality traits in this length of detail. This would be sure to gain you support! You can also provide examples and feel free to add your knowledge of a mod's commands on to your mod app.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?

      Make a list of how long you play in game everyday and also how long you can spend on the forums. The more active you are the more likely you will become mod. Here it an example:

      Monday-Thursday 2 hours in game and 3 hours on the forums
      Friday-Sunday up to four hours in game and about 4 hours on the forums.

      NOTE: This doesn't have to be in a lot of detail.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      You just need to say when did you first start playing MV and when you joined the forums.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?

      This includes forums and in game. If you have been banned in the past think about your actions. How have you learned from this mistake? Also if you were recently banned it may show that you aren't ready to become a mod. Structure this carefully if you have been banned in the past.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      If you have had experience then list them, add in the server name so people can check and how long you were mod for. You may also include things such as builder, admin, helper and owner. Any kind of staff on another server is experience. If you have had no experience say no don't worru though. There is always a first time for anything.

      Additional information

      This may be in the form of an outro. Say what servers you like playing on and put thanks for reading at the end as it shows politeness. Add what you like to do on these servers if you want. Don't forget you are applying for a global mod though.

      For the template please follow this link:


      It is nice to add a poll but it is better to count up the supports, neutrals and no supports. Add them right to the end to prove to people that you have read through all of their comments. An example it below:

      Support - 25
      Neutral - 8
      No support - 3

      Any other tips:
      -Originality is key in a mod app. Speak the truth and do not copy other's mod apps.
      -Read through afterwards and check for any punctuation and grammes mistakes.
      -Respond to feedback nicely, you don't want to offend people.
      -Take on board any feedback and improve! This is the most key point!

      Feedback on a mod app (tips):
      -Don't say neutral, it is your valid opinion and they will either make a good mod or will not.
      -Criticise them, not too harshly though. They are writing a mod app they need constructive feedback in order to improve.
      -Don't say "Be more active". Add other points too, if someone has already said they are working on their activity put another point.
      -If you think they have written a bad mod app and they are your friend don't put support just because of this. If they aren't ready for you to say no support perhaps they aren't ready for applying for mod. Part of writing it beforehand is so you can gain feedback. It isn't a competition to see his many supports you can gain becoming a mod is very serious.

      Thanks for reading my guide and I hope this helps!
      Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
    2. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
      Likes Received:
      A very well writen guide to a good moderator application, nice work :)
    3. Snowy

      Snowy Experienced Member

      Jan 10, 2016
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      Thank you! It took me ages XD
    4. Levis

      Levis Boss Member

      Sep 13, 2014
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    5. Ninja

      Ninja Legendary Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      Another tip: don't say "neutral". It doesn't make any sense and isn't needed on a moderator application.
    6. Snowy

      Snowy Experienced Member

      Jan 10, 2016
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      It is a guide lol
    7. Levis

      Levis Boss Member

      Sep 13, 2014
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      i know, but still, support
    8. Snowy

      Snowy Experienced Member

      Jan 10, 2016
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      Adding now ninja thanks.
    9. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

      Don't think that most of the new members will check it unless we pin this somewhere, either way good guide :)
    10. Snowy

      Snowy Experienced Member

      Jan 10, 2016
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      OK thanks :)
    11. Snowy

      Snowy Experienced Member

      Jan 10, 2016
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    12. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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      Nice guide!
    13. Snowy

      Snowy Experienced Member

      Jan 10, 2016
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    14. TADS

      TADS Guest

      You say 10-20 isn't acceptable; but you have to realize - the majority of the team is under 20.
      • Like Like x 1
    15. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      ^ It doesn't actually matter much on your age anyway, it just depends on your behaviour
    16. Snowy

      Snowy Experienced Member

      Jan 10, 2016
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      No I don't mean it like this and yes I already realise that most of the team is under 20. What I meant to say was to concentrate the age range so that it is closer to your age. If you are uncomfortable about saying your age then put a small age range so we know roughly what age a person is.
    17. babyboynitro

      babyboynitro Experienced Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      Honestly, ages don't matter. If you are good at what you do, you have potential of being a Mineverse moderator.
    18. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      Nice thread
    19. Snowy

      Snowy Experienced Member

      Jan 10, 2016
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      Ok thank you for your input I will change now. There was only one reason as to why I put this was just in case people were uncomfortable in writing their age.
      Thanks rodeen :)
      • Like Like x 1
    20. Snowy

      Snowy Experienced Member

      Jan 10, 2016
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