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  • What dissapoints me about Mineverse Survival Games.

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Yin, Mar 9, 2014.

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    1. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Hei guys, Yin here.

      Before I begin, I'd like to make a quick note. I believe this is the wrong section, as it's a mix of suggestion and ranting

      I'm a bit dissapointed about certain things in our Survival Games servers. A lot of ideas were made about it in the past, and none were even thought of by the administration. I've been getting sick and tired of most of the things on there, but I want to stay there as well.

      Let me catergorize this into certain topics

      1. Items
      Items are what makes the Survival Games, the Survival Games. However, this game lacks items that make the Survival Games, the Survival Games. For example, a bow. This idea was suggested by me a while back, and I still son't see why it hasn't been added, it has caught the eyes of many, it was an amazing success (http://www.mineverse.com/threads/bows-in-survival-games.1290/). While that item may be needed for the recreation of the game, what would also be needed, is some items that need fixing. There are many things that need fixing, such as the Flint and Steel. The flint and steel is absolutely pointless, considering you can't light anyone, can't burn your stuff, and can't even affect the climate.

      2. Chests
      Chests are the key component of the game, and contain many items. One of the troubles, is the variation and rarity of items, and sometimes, some items just need to be taken down. This server seems to struggle with this. Some items I can refer to, include Iron swords, Golden apples, and Flint and steels (not necessarily that one). These are items that need to be removed (or nerfed), as these items change the game way too much (Golden apples give you a much bigger advantage in a battle, Iron swords have too much damage, and once Flint & Steels are fixed, all the durability will wreck the entire climate, and destroy just about everybody who comes into contact with it.) While those items may be removed, you can add crafting ingredients for these, with sticks being extremely rare, as if one votes, and gets the 5 diamonds, they have a really OP advantage right off the start. One of the stronger items in the game, the ender pearl should be a bit more rare, as it can just decide the game if you used correctly (and have a good amount of them). One of the other problems, is how much food there is, making the "survival" aspect of the game, too simple.

      3. Gameplay
      Without this, the game would be nothing. Maps, provide most of the gameplay. As an MCSG player, I do have a great amount of familiarity with all the maps, and you supplied some things that should've been fixed. For example, there's an empty room in SG4 (or Server 4), by the clay building, which I'm saying to supply an example (another big one necessary for fixing would be the gaps, leading to a crevice in SG5). But that's not the only aspect of Gameplay (as Gameplay is a subject for just about every part of the game), this will include length and duration of a game. A lot of games that I play, in which I ultimately win, are because people have to leave, due to the game being too long. I actually want to have to fight at least 1 person in order to finish the game, and that rarely happens nowadays. I persoanally suggest another way to make the final 3 faster (Deathmatch, Co-ordinates, ect...). One more aspect to be noted on, is players. Some of them team, and with the items you give us, you have to be excellent in strafing, and maybe need a golden apple to take the fight (but it really depends on their armor). This is a reason why we need ranged weaponry, and other items to be fixed.

      4. Lobby (Fixed)
      This is just a smaller topic, but look at these threads, for a decent explanation of my main problems: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/survival-games-remove-one-of-2-survival-games-5s.1094/, http://www.mineverse.com/threads/a-new-spawn-for-survival-games.4216/

      It seems the lobby has been decorated and resolved the overlapping lobby situation.

      5. Commands
      We have access to plenty of commands, to support the game. However, some can be found as useless, or disabled. For example, if you saw the help list for SG commands, you'd see they categorized them into 3 types of players (player, moderators, and admins). I'll focus on the player commands for the time being. Why would we have /list when we have /SG list? I know that list shows the amount of players inside the SG servers there are, but when we have /SG list, it's much more categorized in game, as most I time, people use /SG list ingame, so they know who's in their server. The other one that makes me a bit peeves is the fact /spectate doesn't work. It says we don't have permission, yet we fall under the rights of a "player"

      In conclusion, I expected many changes from this topic when I left for a bit. But to see the same thing, really brings me down. I hoped I could change this place. If this doesn't even make people think that there are many flaws with the Survival Games, then I've basically lost all hope in this place, it's one of the few places I like.
      Last edited: Mar 23, 2014
    2. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Also, I'm not tolerating 1 sentence reply's.
    3. salamander

      salamander Boss Member

      Oct 14, 2013
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      So true, so much true.
      I can't play SG, since all games are so long.
      DM pl0x.
    4. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Seems as they redecorated spawn point, and got rid of the overlapping map problem. However, all the servers are down. Are they fixing it the way I demanded?

      Edit: Nope. Just edited spawn point, and now you can't see who's In a certain arena.
      Last edited: Mar 23, 2014
    5. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Added Commands, fixed Lobby's, and added onto Gameplay.
    6. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Almost necro'd...

      Anyway, it seems Mineverse has ridden of diamonds, so that defeats one point in my argument, however, they seemed to have destroyed one of my favorite things in Arena 4. I'll update you on that shortly
    7. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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    8. Julia

      Julia Well-Known Member

      May 12, 2014
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      &!&#;$&!;7!&#&!&$&-?-?';',$?&383&#74(2013&!,@?1(2&3;&$1(1__3&3&!__292&3&!?$$((1&3;!&_$_2&!$&!!&0p@f&2&$&!&$&!_2&$?!&!&!&!&!&(!_!!&$$_&$$7!&!&!&!&$3&&3&3&&3;&33&!&!1(1001199282737364477748@)@($($__!&#&#&::&=:O :-} >:) :)V) :~ :-* :-| :troll:) :' -( :-$ :-! :-D :'( :-\ :-[ =-O :-P ;-) :-( :troll: ฯθΩ¤|©}{·´
    9. Julia

      Julia Well-Known Member

      May 12, 2014
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      :troll: :-( ;-) :-P =-O :-[ :-\ :'( :-D :-! :-$ :' -( :troll:) :-| :-* :~ =:O :-} >:) :)V)
    10. Grays0n

      Grays0n Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2015
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      Wow. The necro...
    11. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Ugh, this thread was my baby ;-;. Closing for necropost.
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