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  • hannah's moderator application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by hannah, Aug 31, 2019.

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    1. hannah

      hannah Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      cutest gai boy i know
    2. Turtle.

      Turtle. Experienced Member

      Jul 20, 2014
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      Omg can someone pls promote already
    3. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      support. i think youd fit in nicely on the staff team. youre active in-game and on reports, and youre very outgoing
    4. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      No support. Reasons stated by others.
    5. Julia

      Julia Well-Known Member

      May 12, 2014
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      at least quote the reasons why you don’t support her lol, that is such a bland statement. would have been alright if you just said “no support”, but since you’re saying “reasons stated by others” on top of it, provide sufficient detail on to why she would not make a good staff member, so that she can improve and you can reconsider your rating towards this application.

    6. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      This post from iieco sums it up pretty well
      "I see so many supports here, and, honestly trying to be positive about this, here is some of my constructive criticism: (First of all, seeing the amount of supports here, I'm sure you'll make it to mod, but some help can't hurt).

      1) Never seen you before! It helps to be on ALL world servers, not just the ones you enjoy.

      2) Second of all, you have an anime girl picture with what seems to be as a centerpoint, pretty big anime girl tiddies. I feel like you say you're ready for this but you seem to have a certain amount of immaturity. (ironic coming from me, isnt it)

      3) Some of your previous names include "Pile_of_Sh1t" as well as "Pedifile". Again, not appropriate.

      4) I see you have over 500 positive ratings, that's a good start. Popularity on MV is always a plus for a mod.

      5) "paint me like one of your french girls" doesn't seem very mature (again, ironic)

      6) Finally 2-3 hours of play time on Mineverse a day is mediocre. Most mods play (the good ones anyways) play around 3-5 hours. I understand that you're 17 and have other things to do, but with Infection added there will be more hackers than ever.

      I hope you understand it's only constructive criticism and good luck"
      The biggest ones are that I barely ever see her on (if ever) and the time that shes on (2-3 hours) is nothing since she is just another mod from the US and that means she will only be on at times where all the other US staff are on while people from other timezones like me, barely ever have any staff on since it is past midnight in the US and hackers are everywhere.

      Again, she barely plays the server (check screenshot below which was taken today) and that, coupled with her immaturity will not make her a good mod. What will she bring to the table as a mod? Most mods are already inactive as is and we don't need another one that barely gets online. I am barely on forums yet I have almost as many messages as she has. She does not seem dedicated enough to become a moderator.
      Screenshot from infection (taken today):
    7. Aly

      Aly Alchemist Premium

      Sep 28, 2016
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      I've never actually seen you online before, probably timezones/the fact I only play Infection, so going for neutral.
    8. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      Nope it's not different timezones, you can see in the image above that she hasn't been on in a month on infection.
    9. Julia

      Julia Well-Known Member

      May 12, 2014
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      I’ve already addressed this persons post in a previous page. Hannah is 17 and it seems she is capable to be mature when she needs to be. All three of these things have no validity as they seem to be all jokes with her friends and such. Past Minecraft usernames do not determine whether someone will be a good staff member (she has already addressed this too, read the whole thread)

      cry me a river. As said previously, she is 17 and probably has more important things to manage her time with than play Minecraft. being a staff member doesn’t mean you have to be in-game, you can browse and moderate other parts of the server such as the discord and forums, not always having to be in-game. her time zone? if you really are complaining about her being in a US time zone, go support someone else who is in your time zone. it’s not about you, they won’t not accept a staff member because she doesn’t live in your time zone and cannot help you when you need it. if there are hackers and such, supply sufficient evidence in a report and it will be dealt with by the staff team.

      although activity is important, as I said previously, she can moderate other parts of the server if she does not have enough time to actually get online. also, that’s just infection. I’ve seen her on oppvp wayy more than infection. although she should be globally active she does not have to log into the servers that are popular. it’s just personal preference. also, (as I said previously xdddd), she is not immature. she just has a decent sense of humor and a staff member who is literally a robot is boring.

      I’m not saying this app is perfect, I am neutral on it myself, but your reasons to not support her are pretty lame.
    10. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      As I said before, she should still be active and your reasoning of "oh she's 17 she has better things to do", well if she has better things to do don't apply for staff? I am complaining about timezones because almost all staff are from the US and whenever no staff members are on and I report someone it takes hours for it to be dealt with and the hacker is already gone. I see you have avoided another one of my points that is she is not active on forums either. She barely has more messages than me and I'm not even active. She can't be playing only the gamemodes she enjoys because as a staff member you need to be active on all servers. 1 month of inactivity does not look good for her at all. As for her moderating discord etc, I have never seen her on the Mineverse discord. Your arguments make no sense because you say she can moderate other parts of the server but she's never online on forums, the server or the discord? You say she has a decent sense of humour but all I see is that she isn't taking this seriously.
    11. Julia

      Julia Well-Known Member

      May 12, 2014
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      you are so ignorant lol. you can have a good social life and moderate a Minecraft server at the same time. don’t forget, this is a voluntary position that offers no benefits besides maybe teaching you a little bit about a work environment.

      already addressed this, go and support someone who has a time zone that is yours or close enough to yours so that when you do need to be assisted in-game and such you can rely on that staff member to be there.

      she was literally last seen yesterday and from my perspective she is active all the time on the forums. again, messages don’t determine whether or not you would be a good staff member... yeah, it’s good to have a decent amount of messages but it doesn’t really matter. the amount of messages that you have is not the same as how active you are on the forums. I’ve been on mineverse since December 2013 and i have 5 years on the forums but only 435 messages...

      Already addressed this as well. I said “it’s good to be active on all servers” or something along the lines of that. just because you play infection and you would obviously prefer staff members who main infection does not mean that staff members will main infection. I agree, it is good to be active on all servers, but obviously staff members are going to have a preference and if you would look at Hannah’s YouTube channel, the majority of her mineverse content is oppvp. I’m sure that if she had became a staff member that she would be more active globally, but, she would still probably be most active on oppvp.

      it’s probably because of that time zone you’re always complaining about lol


      all of Hannah’s latest activity has been within the past ten days on all Mineverse platforms.

      it is a position to be a staff member on a block game multiplayer world. Hannah in my eyes is professional and serious enough to handle the position of the block game staff member

      it’s like you didn’t even read the app. her main account’s username is spicyhannah yet when you tried to back up the fact that she was not on infection for a month you used her alt, canting, but in reality she was last on infection six days ago. 371596FB-DE44-45F8-8ED4-F96133241F65.jpeg
      Last edited: Oct 1, 2019
    12. hannah

      hannah Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      jeepers has this mod app been poppin

      thank u ya cutie
      thank you. btw how come u so pro at overwatch i need you to carry me some more.
      as for iieco post i cant help change your opinion. as for the inactive part i can assure you i dont play on canting. i have seen you several times on infection with the account on spicyhannah and i think we have had some conversations but not exactly sure if it was you. the reason the canting account is linked to my forums account is because it has the rank youtube on it.
      youre the cutest and i know i say that a lot but holy crap wow. thank u so much for defending me and sharing your point of view c:

      now @robosmith10 i usually try to attempt to go on infection at least once every two days but i promise you, you will find me on op pvp. infection personally isnt my gamemode. as for the inactivity i admit i have been inactive this part week but it is due to the fact that my little sister had a run in with the cops and my parents have been very limited on me playing video games in this time of distress.
    13. Julia

      Julia Well-Known Member

      May 12, 2014
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      np babes, hope everything is well with your family
    14. Turtle.

      Turtle. Experienced Member

      Jul 20, 2014
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      This is so stupid I'm sorry but really.

      1. Yes ALL mods have lives outside of Mineverse and especially this time of year things get busy. Everyone tries their best to get on but its hard considering most of the staff team is in Highschool +.

      2. Its not that she may have better things to do she may have some more important things to do. My motto is School and IRL > Mineverse. Im sorry I do this on the side because I love Mineverse and all but its not going to help me earn money and provide for a family later in life. Which really anyone who has a brain can agree to that.

      3. Hannah is very active on forums. She is on almost every day and how do you know when something could be going on in her life. Yes thats right she has a life outside of Mineverse shocker. Just because she can't be on every second of the day means she can't be Mod?

      4. Reports are handled fairly quick now so I doubt thats true. I barely can get on fast enough to get a report to handle.

      5. Messages don't mean anything. I've been on this server since July 2014 I only have 750 and I've gotten more because Im a mod. I've also seen people get accepted and had way less messages. So honestly she has a lot of messages.

      6. What do you expect her to be a Mod? She is not one. She makes reports when she sees a hacker. Also there is no need to play every single gamemode since if someone needs your help they can find you pretty quick anywhere. Also I've seen her on infection and OpPvp and even kit a lot.

      7. Also how is she supposed to moderate this discord? Thats not her job nor can she do anything. Discord is for people to contact you and to help people if they have a problem. Just because she doesn't chat every single day/ minute on the MV discord means she will be a bad mod?

      8. She is taking this seriously. Gosh Im sorry if you have no humor in your life because then it must be really boring. Hannah is probably one of the funniest people I've met. Yet, when needed she can be serious and accept criticism and etc. You want to be able to talk with the community and how are you supposed to do that if you are not allowed to make any jokes.

      Really all your points are invalid and if you want to perfect moderator why don't you apply since you clearly seem to know whats best. Smh. Anyways good luck Hannah. <3
    15. hannah

      hannah Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      oml i’m calling u on discord rn you cutie
    16. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Although it’s a voluntary position, it doesn’t negate the fact that it is still a position of leadership and something that a person has to dedicate time towards for them to be beneficial to the server or their team.

      We need moderators of specific time zones, so don’t just throw away the fact that she’s apart of the time zone she is. I’m not saying she won’t be helpful, but possibly, there are better options than choosing an applicant from a timezone that we already have a surplus of moderators from.

      Last seen doesn’t mean anything, it just points out the fact that she logged on lmao. This doesn’t prove any legitimate activity, and messages are there to prove activity. There’s a reason that there’s a message counter, duh. It’s not hard to rack up messages when you actually become involved in the community - doing reports, being involved in discussions, posting ideas, etc., so if her postcount is low, it signifies that she isn’t putting in the effort to do these things. Your post count comparison doesn’t matter; this probably just means that you’re inactive as well, buddy.

      Being active on multiple game modes helps one become more involved in different sub-communities and avoid bias when dealing with reports, as she knows everyone and doesn’t have a favoring towards her oppvp amigos. There’s a reason that this position is for global moderator, not just moderator for OpPvp. I’d like to see improved activity everywhere, not just where she deems fit.

      Being inactive for 4-7 days isn’t active lol, especially when she says herself that she can dedicate multiple hours to the server every day. Before you try to correct someone else’s criticism, understand what activity is.

      Oh boy, 3 messages on discord from a whopping 10 days ago (2 of them just being bot commands). That sure does prove activity; I don’t understand how a person could put in so much effort for one little server!!1!

      She’s far from professional.

      It sounds a bit hypocritical that you tell robosmith to stop putting such effort into his criticism when you spend just as much time trying to defend an application that isn’t even yours.

      Sticking with no support.
    17. Saturns

      Saturns best valorant player Premium

      Aug 5, 2014
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      We promote moderators from different timezones everytime. It just matters on where we fall and what we need on the staff team.
      People can't be on the forums constantly, therefore, it does show something. All of the moderators have their profile as "last seen" at one point?
      She has 680, I don't understand your point?
      Not necessarily. She has an average point count. It actually is sorta hard. Though, Hannah has been involved in the community in many ways by being youtuber rank and promoting the server. Putting in messages and post count is much different than promoting the server as a youtuber and reaching growth. She also messages moderators often telling them when players are hacking, she separates a good amount of time into attempting to catch hackers (in calls when i offer to play bedwars shes like iM tRyInG tO cAtCh A hAcKeR)
      Eh. Not Really, explained this in the last paragraph.
      Seeing that she has many different alts that she plays on, her activity won't be overall the same on all of them.
      Some moderators don't even talk in the discord unless it's the #help channel or the bot channel.

    18. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      Not being on for almost a week is still not active.
    19. Turtle.

      Turtle. Experienced Member

      Jul 20, 2014
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      Im sorry there is something called life... Do you know what may have happened in that time? No. Im sorry being inactive one week out of the about 3 month application period is the worst thing that could ever happen. She has been active almost everyday before that and is active again. There are things called personal issues. These things could take time to work out.
      What I said above.

      Discord does not matter... It is for communication. Whether you decide to chat there or not does not matter. As a mod I rarely chat in there unless it is the Help section of course. Therefore, since hannah is not a mod there is no need for her to chat with the discord. Not to mention the MV discord lacks conversations, mainly its just asking mods for help...
    20. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      No need to repeat what you’ve already said, but that’s alright.

      I understand that periods of inactivity can come due to personal issues. I’m not an idiot. I’m an ex-mod, also moderating through a little bit of high school, I know that things come up. However, some of the criticisms I have seen are due to activity and so I’m pointing it out. Again, I’m not an idiot, I understand.

      Discord does matter, especially when it was pointed out that she doesn’t “have to be active ingame” if she’s “active on discord, forums, etc.” and so I’m going to tack on her if she’s inactive on both. You use Skype to talk to the team and discord to communicate with the playerbase along with the team. People get helped in the discord and just have conversation which is good for a mod to be familiar with, but regular players obviously can talk in there too and assist other players.
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