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  • ❤ Staff Appreciation ❤

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by TADS, Mar 15, 2016.

    1. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      ex staff:

      myself: anna babe u were a good mod but everyone hated u for some reason ly babe <3
    2. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      Chirp. ♡

      @Scorvix- Scorchy Corchy! <3 My goodness, you've served the community awesomely and we won't forget how dedicated and kindhearted you were! We were lucky to have you as a mod! Hopefully, you'll reapply soon!
      @TorchwoodRC- My god you're amazing! You've made a lot of viruses which we won't forget in a hurry! You should be on the Red Carpet, photo bombing everybody! You're awesome!
      @TADS4- Mama Tadd! <3 Nobody can beat the amount of reports you fired and you were a great mod! Hopefully, you'll get your mod application accepted again because you were an amazing mod!
      @Janice999- Honestly can't describe in words how polite and awesome you are! Your application was amazing and you still serve the community greatly!

      And to all those ex-mods and moderators right now how greatly serve our community! ♡ ♡
      Last edited: Mar 19, 2016
    3. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
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      @Nanurz very good EDIT: head moderator
      @TADS4 you will get head mod one day
      @Janice999 legit nicest person on mineverse
      Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
    4. TADS

      TADS Guest

      @Pile_of_Butts - probably the biggest inspiration whilst on Mineverse. You've been here for me since I was perm banned, and even before. We didn't start out on the right foot, but over time, things changed.
      You were the only reason I became moderator; and I couldn't thank you anymore for that. It was an amazing experience, that only few get to have. I wish that one day I am able to work with you again.

      @AmazingFireGirl - I haven't known you for too long, though you've done some amazing things in-game and on the forums. One of the longest, last-standing moderators. Even though you're inactive, and not as much in-game, you're helpful, and cheerful.

      @Nanurz - Amazing, caring (sounding like my teacher). You and Pile, you were both amazing mentors to me. Taught me so much along the way to becoming a full moderator, and always helping me throughout my three months of moderator.
      I have to lend all the positive messages towards me at you and Pile, as you two were the ones that taught me everything I've done.

      @Alex - We've known each other for sometime now, going back to when I first joined. You were always so positive, and willing to help out. Though, it seems as if you're not as active (yes I know timezones exist), but you're still willing to help those in need.
      #Kylex #Kalex

      @AthleticPsycho - I remember when you first applied, how jealous I was of you. You kept getting supports, and no one seemed to hate you. I had no idea who you were at the time. Once promoted in my group, we became better friends, and I learned to adjust being with you on staff.

      You're a chill guy tho, love being in the ts with you, always know how to make it fun.
      No, you can't sing ;)

      @Coastic - Ayeee, haven't been too active enough for me to judge. But you changed once you became moderator, and for the better. Glad you were able to have this opportunity :)

      @Deivid0ze - I really have no idea who you are, sorry :/

      @Dyna_Mighty - your southern accent on point, girllll. You're an amazing moderator, I didn't expect you to do so well tbh. But it was amazing working with you, even with my doubts :)

      @Exstatisfy - You're an amazing moderator even though we've had our ups-and-downs. You're active in-game, friendly, and you're like that white friend that always tries to be 'hip' ;p

      @Flazer - I remember when you first joined, or I first met you. Oh, how I hated you. You always seemed to be that one obnoxious kid. But, you've changed, and I like how you've changed. Working with you as staff was amazing, and I loved it. Truly fun to be in ts with

      @Imperturbable_ - We used to talk a lot, and then you became moderator and you seemed to have gone quiet :(
      Still nice having our little chat here and then :)

      @ItsSniiper - Infection, bud. I've known you for quite some time now, dating back to 2014. I loved playing Infection with you. I'll admit, I wasn't always a huge fan of you, but it's changed. I have a lot more respect for you now

      @Janice999 - I'll send you one on Skype

      @Jhow - sloths. I don't have too much to say, I've loved building with you. You're a great team-player, always willing to help out around when needed.

      @kinsey_kid - I've never been a huge fan of you, but I've seen a huge change in you, for the better. I never really wanted to support your application, or for you to become moderator as you seemed to be quite obnoxious, but you changed, and you were able to convince me of you being worthy.

      @MaxNinja10 - oml, your Skype spams are soooooo annoying ;)
      You're absolutely amazing, being promoted three times, only two people have done it, with you being one.
      You, and Pile are the two people I have the highest amount of respect for on this server.

      @MissMisconceived - Cheetah, REPRESENTING MARYLAND ALL THE WAY
      Your ig feed isn't bad, it's a lot of swimming tho xd
      You're amazing to talk with, both you and Duplexy, glad to talk w/ you in the ts :)

      @Nightfire - You were my first friend on Mineverse. You showed me around, told me how to make an application.
      You've always been there for me, even though we don't talk as much anymore.
      Quiet, but caring, and nice :)

      @Olivxr - We've had our good and bad times. Not always the best, but you've changed. You had realized what you had done, and improved off it, which was amazing to see

      @ParanormalPizza - I don't have anything to say for you xd

      @paulainmo - I'm actually not surprised you became moderator, my expectations were good for you. You always had this chance, and you proved yourself worthy to the head-moderators. I'm glad you were promoted. Sadly, we never had the opportunity to work together </3 (I take all blame xd)

      @SSMH - Quite the quiet person. But, you're getting the job done. I'd love to talk with you more in-game, but timezones D:
      Glad to see you still around from our promotion group :)

      @StrKillr - I don't have anything for you ;p

      @TheNiceSnake - Nothing for you, either

      @tin15cro - no one cares
      You're actually an amazing guy, great for head-guard. I never expected you to be so chill and all.
      It was amazing working with you :)

      @TorchwoodRC - I know we're not on the best of spots right now :/ but I've always had some respect for you.
      I hope you're able to eventually get around that one incident. Besides that, you're doing amazing as a moderator :)

      • Like Like x 2
    5. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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      WAI D:
    6. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      @Nanurz - You're my bae, ever since we started talking I knew you were so dumb and you needed my help to become amazing like me. <3

      Jokes, you're so cool and you've helped me so much through me being a mod and ilysm c:
    7. TADS

      TADS Guest

      You haven't been a moderator long enough/me work with you long enough or at all for me to be able to judge xd
    8. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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    9. mining

      mining Active Member

      Feb 28, 2016
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      I may have joined a few days ago, yet I would still like to give a moment to appreciate all the staff members.
      I do not know all of you, some I have seen before, yet I still feel like everyone deserves appreciation.
      Without you guys, the server would not run, it wouldn't really be a server, you guys benefit the server year after year.
      Mineverse started from small to huge all because of you guys, without you, Mineverse might never have had succeeded.

      So, even though I'm new. Thanks to all the staff members that have served their time to benefiting the server and helping out players to the best of your abilities. Being a staff member is not easy, it takes patience, dedication, responsibility, etc. Making sure players are having a good time, that they are enjoying Mineverse. That is definitely not an easy job. Yet you guys still do it, you still dedicate yourselves to helping out the Mineverse community, and I applaud you all for that. It's not everyday someone can wake up, loving the fact that they have the opportunity to help with such a fine server. It takes people who are willing, to give up their time from their daily lives, and their daily routine, to come and help out the server.

      Thanks for all your help staff members, without you, there would be no Mineverse.
    10. cheetahswimmer

      cheetahswimmer Experienced Member

      Dec 16, 2015
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      Yas MD repppppppppp!!! xD Ty swim is life :)
    11. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      To the current mods
      you do an amazing job at what you do and I don't think we can find anybody to replace you. Everybody on our current team love doing different things that mods must do so this gets a through more and it's an honour to play on a server with you guys!
      To the ex-mods
      Some ex-mods got demoted for breaking rules, well that happens, others resigned well we all have a life. Don't feel bad for this. You all did an amazing job for this server and it wouldn't of been how it is without you all.
      To the builders (Nimjam, rythen, Dewster, nanurz)
      All of you builders do an amazing job building new maps and keeping this server up to date. All your builds are amazing and if you search the whole world, no one can replace you all!
      To the head mods (Nanurz, pile, firegirl)
      You're all the very best to do this mod. You've all been amazing and helpful, been mod for a long time and a role model to us all. Your all amazing!
      To our forum admin (pile)
      Your amazing at your job. You've always been super helpful and kind and your always here when we need you. You help us with all our needs on the forums and you've always stood out.
      to our head-guard (tin)
      You've always been great! You've helped the server so many times and prison wouldn't be the same without you. You've always helped the prison server and your a huge part of it's community.
      To our devs (Tanner, carter)
      You're both amazing! we rely on you to bring us new and great plugins, and without you this server would be 99.999999999% different and probably worse since you do such a great job!
      To our admins (Cyp, crew)
      well would we even have this server without you? I mean all that we've ever done on this server is because of you, we get new staff, new suggestions, new game-modes and so very much more thanks to you. Thanks a lot cyp and crew!
    12. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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      That is weird I didn't get an alert from my mentioning in this and just saw it while scrolling through.

      Thank you :)
      • Like Like x 1
    13. Connor_

      Connor_ Well-Known Member

      May 16, 2015
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      Fair play to the moderators on here, that deal with 500+ players everyday. Staff will always get stick from players saying they could do a better job, but most of them don't realize how much effort they put into making the server hacker free, keeping the chats clean, moderating the forums. It can be hard for them. Seeing threads like this is lovely to see, as staff doesn't get enough credit for what they do on here.
    14. MoosePMC

      MoosePMC Active Member

      Mar 6, 2015
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      @Janice999 Thank you for everything Janice keep doing what you do we all love you<3
    15. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      And it's dead.
    16. GeckosAreMyths

      GeckosAreMyths Active Member

      Sep 28, 2014
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      Well now we can congratulate everybody because everybody is now staff. :D April Fools.
    17. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      What really makes the Staff team great is that they can take a joke.No advertising meant by this post.

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