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    Discussion in 'Help' started by JoeyJ201, May 3, 2019.

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    1. JoeyJ201

      JoeyJ201 Active Member

      Jul 2, 2016
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      I have been a member of this server for a while and been around for many survival servers. I can remember 3 resets happening but there may be more. one problem I have never experience up until now is in claiming. I have been building a castle in this world and making sure every part of it was claimed because griefers are rife on this server.

      However, I decided to take a little while off the server and when I came back I found myself in my castle which has been griefed, claimed by someone else and a fat 1 thick tiny wall as an ad-hoc wall as a rushed attempt to finish what I started. I do not believe the person who claimed it is at fault here, but neither am I. I claimed my build and they simply claimed what magically unclaimed itself.

      I simply want to request that my build is given back to me, even in its damaged state. I don't think it will affect that player much as all they did was build a cobble wall which would have taken minutes (and probably using my cobble because the 1.14 update has split my chests apart). But, if I can't have my build back, I want to be able to get my items back because the player still does not have access to most of my valuables which are in chests with lock signs.

      Thank you in advance for any support you can provide,

    2. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      Claims automatically remove after a month (could be longer).

      You could try /mail-ing the person that had claimed it.
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