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  • Own a house on my island on Skygrid!

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Maxamul, Mar 5, 2016.

    1. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      Hello, I'm going to be doing something special on Skygrid. I will allow you people to own a house on my island on Skygrid. Now, when I say own a house I don't mean a house you can visit and live in, but one that will be at my island. The houses will be medieval themed as my house is a castle. To enter you must pay any amount of emeralds, this can range anywhere from one emerald to as many as you want. Also, tell me what type of house you want, please do not let the houses get too large, some ideas are wizard tower, cottage, blacksmith hut, etc. When I build your house I will place a sign above the door including you in game name and how many emeralds you donated. When I build the houses I will screenshot them and send them to you to make sure they look how you would like. Also, if you would like me to write a message on your sign tell me, please no inappropriate messages. Also, there will only be a few characters left on the sign after I put the other things on it.

      Your IGN:
      Amount of Emeralds:
      Type of House:

      That's it! Copy and paste that in the comments and I will reply when I accept you. Thank you for reading and have a great day :).
      Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
    2. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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