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  • Why Did This Happen?

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by JazzMagic, May 27, 2018.

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    1. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      Ughhhhh I really hate making threads on things like this, that may seem unimportant, and it probably is. For me however, this is something that has happened more than once, and it really pissed me off the first few times, but this instance is definitely worse than the other cases, and I thought about it for a few days if I should really make a post about it, but it has to be done. I will first post the pictures of what happened, and I will go from there:

      1: https://i.imgur.com/a1ItX0S.png
      2: https://i.imgur.com/fIdm3fF.png
      3: https://i.imgur.com/nXXfngm.png
      4: https://i.imgur.com/IsYMsm9.png
      (Sorry if I posted them onto the thread they would be WAY to big)
      Thread: https://www.mineverse.com/threads/how-active-should-staff-be.140704/

      So, I post a poll called "How Active Should Staff Be?" It was meant to be a tool for staff to see how long the community expects them to be on everyday, because in reality they are volunteering for the community, and the community are the people giving the mod apps support or no support. I also did it to see what the community expected, because many people accuse the staff of not being active enough. So basically, I did this in favor of the staff; I expressed this in images 1 & 2. There were some good ideas expressed in the thread and there was nothing wrong with it except maybe a few troll posts, which are expected.

      One day I go on the forums and see that the thread got archived; I was pretty shocked and assumed someone broke a rule and ruined the thread, which happens. Then I see image 3, and I didn't know how I felt. Yeah I was pretty pissed, but at the same time I was surprised that Pile would make a reply like that, I do have a lot of respect for her. She basically said in my eyes, that the thread was basically one of those thread intended to insult the staff for their level of activity, which was not the case. You can see in the screenshots that what I said what the thread was for completely contradicts what she believes why the thread should be locked. And this isn't the first time when a staff member completely shuts me down and says I don't have the power to do something like if I was forcefully trying to change something.

      So, what you can normally do with any locked thread you disagree with, I reported the reply and wrote a pretty extensive reply on how exactly she misinterpreted my thread. Image 4 is the result of the of the report, and all I got was "Thank you!" No explanation whatsoever.

      So to recap so far, I thought I made a pretty helpful thread that was pretty active, it gets locked and archived because someone thought it was thread disrespecting staff for not being on enough, and when I tried to get the thread back, I was given no explanation. The worse part is I don't even know if Pile has powers anymore, I thought she resigned and I checked the staff list and she was not there either. So there are one of two things that happened:
      1. She is still a staff member and she locked and archived it as she saw fit
      2. Some staff member locked it, because she did not approve of it

      If it was option 1, then I still disagree with the action and I hope this thread brings light to that, if it is option 2, then there is obviously corruption here and that is unacceptable. The mod would have not left the required (or I think it is) lock message whenever a thread is locked. It is probably option 1 however.

      I really hated the fact that I had to make this thread, but it had to be done, because the thread I made was unjustly locked and archived.
    2. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      I'm not staff so I never saw the report you made about my actions. So I'm sorry about that. You could have easily messaged me about it and asked me all of this there. You made a thread and it feels like the only reason is for drama? I don't really know so that is just an assumption.

      Either way I am here now and can answer your questions.
      I am not staff but I have all my same perms and help when needed. The 2 other admins here have both gone inactive for school and IRL jobs and I was asked recently to help here more. That is the only reason you see me here at all. You may see me in game from time to time as well helping with payment related issues and other rank/permissions issues.

      I closed the tread because the staff get hate every day here on forums, on discord and in game. I felt the question was answered and it didn't need to be here anymore. We have threads made all the time stating how long staff should be online and threads that are closed daily that just bash the staff and these threads just perpetuate that kind of behavior regardless of your intentions or reasoning behind making the thread.

      I wasn't closing it to be mean and had you messaged me stating all you just did here, I would tell you the same thing I am right now. I don't mind re-opening your thread if you can answer these 2 questions first:
      • Do you feel these kinds of threads help the level of toxicity here on forums and in game in relation to inactive staff? (and if so how?)
      • What was your goal from this poll?
    3. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      Oh I thought the report was seen by you, and I posted a thread because I felt like others may have been involved.

      1. Yes, especially since the majority of people so far expressed that they were generally okay with how active the staff currently are. The people who are toxic about this situation are actually the minority, but are way more vocal so it seems like they convey the majority when in fact when everyone (on the forums anyways) got to vote, the true majority is shown. So, it basically shuts the toxic people down when they realize that they are wrong about how the community feel about mod activity. This could be applied to any issue of this nature.

      2. I created the poll when I saw the mods being bashed by the toxic members of the community and I was curious to see what the majority of people thought. I was hoping this poll would help show who was right in these arguments and hoping that if any change was needed that the mods would personally change it in their own activity. I was not asking for administrative change at all.
    4. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      Thank you for this.
      I have re-opened your thread.
      Please feel free to DM me if you ever have any questions in the future.
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