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  • Why I'm like this...

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by jarroy, Jul 3, 2014.

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    1. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      I know I've posted a thread before of my depression before, but I wanted to share why I actually do get depressed.

      I posted a comment on a thread earlier today saying:

      "I like how sometimes we all forget our differences and come together to share part of our lives. It makes me realize even more how much I wish all of you were my IRL friends, but then realize it may never happen...sorry if this is a depressing comment... :("

      I don't know if any of you read it or not, or even cared. I'm pretty sure every kid out there wants friends. I want friends, but I guess I was one of those unlucky ones who don't get any. I know I've met a lot of you online, and don't get me wrong, you're all my friends. Sometimes I wish I had IRL friends. Preferably, you guys! Because I've gotten to know you all from the time I joined the Forums, and some friends before that.

      I guess what I'm trying to say is, that I wish you guys were IRL friends. Where we could actually talk and laugh together. I mean, if we were all put in a room, we would probably all be friends by the first 5 minutes. Age doesn't matter. We've gotten to know each other so much, and sometimes it feels like I'll never meet any of you :(

      I love you guys, and that's why I decided to make this thread. I wanted to tell you guys, that I care for you a lot. Maybe not enough as your mom does, but as my friends, BFF sort of like.

      A lot of us have had our differences in the past, but that doesn't stop any of us from not being friends.

      I've been mean and rude in the past, and that's what usually causes me to lose friends. I guess I want to say beforehand, sorry. To anyone that I've ever been mean to because I don't like making enemies. I know I've gone to far with some of you, and one word will probably not earn me your forgiveness, but at least I know I tried.

      I'm sorry if this is a bit depressing, I just wanted to let you guys know.

      I don't really like to name who are my friends, but these are the people that I think are my best friends...even if they aren't my friend, they're my friends to me.

      of course you. You were my first friend ever since I joined Mineverse. We've had our differences, but I like how we're still friends. c:

      I didn't like you when we first met, but we eventually became friends, I'm still very proud that you became a moderator c:

      Ehh....jk. You're very fun to be around, we may have some weird conversations, clean, and I just like your personality overall

      We never really talk, and we never really talked before your promotion, but you are a funny and amazing person.

      We became really great friends for awhile, but I think some mistakes here and there has driven us away. You are a very kind and funny person. You always try to cheer up players.

      A lot of things have driven us away, and friendship is probably impossible with you again... You're a very fun person to talk over Skype. We've had some weird conversations, but you're overall funny and a nice person.

      @Lola Perez
      OMG. I cannot.... You are an incredible person, you make me laugh so much every time I see you online. We always seem to type "LOL" in chat everytime we're both on. You are so funny, and you're also kind. You're my best friend forever. I can't express how much of a great person you are.

      I guess not everyone sees you online since you are usually on while most of us are asleep, but I really appreciate you for the work you do here. You're also one of my great friends and one of the first that I met.

      You are a very helpful person. You have an incredible personality and I like that for you. You are nice not only to me, but to everyone c:

      I'm sorry if I didn't include you. Like I said, I love you all.
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    2. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest

      I love you too <3

      I'll always be here for you Jarroy.
      • Like Like x 1
    3. RachetSenpai

      RachetSenpai Boss Member

      Nov 26, 2013
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      Thank you jarroy, whenever you need help with anything or are feeling down a bit, just contact me. :)
    4. UncleUrnesto

      UncleUrnesto Boss Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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      Even me ?_?.
    5. Dwarfs_Digging

      Dwarfs_Digging Active Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      I Havent met you in game yet... but i hope that i will someday, you seem like a great person
    6. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      I hope I see you in-game soon as well c:
    7. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Chu is like awesome and funny and like teh coolest kid ever :>
      • Like Like x 1
    8. Toweeh ❥

      Toweeh ❥ Experienced Member

      Apr 23, 2014
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      Awww :3
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    9. Layers12

      Layers12 Experienced Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      I can skype anytime, let us be alone together. I suck at english, But i guess im abit better than nothing.
    10. MiningCreeper454

      MiningCreeper454 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      I see how it is >_>
      Just joking. Hey, tell you what, if you feel down and I'm online, feel free to Skype me. I'm always up for a chat, and I never get to talk to you enough as it is.
    11. canucksfan44

      canucksfan44 Legendary Member

      Oct 27, 2013
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      We are all here for you jarroy!
      <3 ily
      If your alone you can always PM me or post on my wall
    12. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      Aawwww dat is so cute man! You dedicated those beautiful words to me and I felt so happy because I had a good and bad day at the same time, and you cheered me up. Ily jarroy and I'm so glad that I can cheer you up, make you laugh and be kind to you. I know we've had some harsh and intense moments, but we can't judge people for their past since there is something called "change". As I said, ily and you are my best friend. I wish I can see you online more often, because we like understand each other (because we are weird) and also because you are funny as well :P. I love when people dedicate messages to me. I feel so happy and amazing when someome actually feels that I am funny or kind. I wish I can be your friend irl, because we can be even more weirder! xD. Thanks for saying some awesome words to me and I hope that in the future we could met and I also wish you you can make friends! ILY BB
    13. Cheez

      Cheez Experienced Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      Hey man, a lot of people make the best of friends online. Don't say you won't ever meet any of us IRL in your life, it's totally a possibility later in life when we can travel. Just look at Simon and Lewis from the Yogscast, they met online in the World of Warcraft game and have been best friends since! Guess the point of all this is that don't lose hope and be yourself.

      Anyways, if you're ever feeling down, hit me up as well and I'll tell a bunch of Cheezy jokes to ya. Love you too bud. :)
    14. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Another thing to add :>
      If your ever feeling down :(
      Message me on kik :>
    15. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Why don't you come to Aussie land and I'll be yo friend lol.
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